странно, разве фря может маунтить разделы которые NOT CLEAN ?
5.x - без проблем вроде, fsck в фоновом режиме запускается.
-B Run in background mode. The check program for each file system
is invoked with the -F flag to determine whether it wishes to run
as part of the boot up sequence, or if it is able to do its job
in background after the system is up and running. A non-zero
exit code indicates that it wanted to run in foreground which is
assumed to have been done, so the file system is skipped. A zero
exit code indicates that it is able to run in background so the
check program is invoked with the -B flag to indicate that a
check on the active file system should be done. When running in
background mode, only one file system at a time will be checked.
freebsd.rambler.ru://"lockmgr: locking against myself"

К тому что в архивах списков рассылки нужно поискать эти слова.
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Что может быть причиной этому ? :panic: lockmgr: locking against myself