Fast SMB Search(lorien)


Значит подошло все к концу установки. И оказалось, что в папке с исходниками нет ./configure, который предлагается запустить.
Может у кого в гз есть доступ к поисковику местному и есть уже собранный фаил или этот ./configure.


пора создавать зону "записки одмина"


Необходимо собрать программы написанные на языке C/C++. Для сборки поискового сервера достаточно выполнить команды ./configure и make в каталоге fsearch. При этом появится исполняемый файл fsearch.
This is source of Fast SMB Search, search engine
for local SMB-based networks.
For installation see doc/install.html
For explanation of internal structure see doc/internals.html
There are some directories:
fsearch - fast search server (daemon, written in C++)
scripts - scanner and indexer (perl scripts run by cron)
smbclient - the source for scanner (patched smbclient)
html - CGI scripts that provide user interface via Web server
doc - documentation and instructions

stat2843915 запусти


после make
g++ -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"smbsearch\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"smbsearch\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"0.3.2\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"smbsearch\ 0.3.2\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"\" -DVERSION=\"\" -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -I. -I. -DLINUX -march=i686 -c swapalloc.cpp
swapalloc.h: In member function Б─≤swap_ptr<T> CSwapVector<T>::append_item(int)Б─≥:
swapalloc.h error: there are no arguments to Б─≤assertБ─≥ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of Б─≤assertБ─≥ must be available
swapalloc.h error: (if you use Б─≤-fpermissiveБ─≥, G++ will accept your code, but allowing the use of an undeclared name is deprecated)
swapalloc.cpp: In function Б─≤int get_free_slotБ─≥:
swapalloc.cpp error: Б─≤assertБ─≥ was not declared in this scope
swapalloc.cpp: In function Б─≤void free_slot(int)Б─≥:
swapalloc.cpp error: Б─≤assertБ─≥ was not declared in this scope
swapalloc.cpp: In function Б─≤void swap_out_page(unsigned int)Б─≥:
swapalloc.cpp error: Б─≤assertБ─≥ was not declared in this scope
swapalloc.cpp: In function Б─≤void lock_pages_group(unsigned int, unsigned int)Б─≥:
swapalloc.cpp error: Б─≤assertБ─≥ was not declared in this scope
swapalloc.cpp: In function Б─≤void lock_pages(unsigned int, unsigned int)Б─≥:
swapalloc.cpp error: Б─≤assertБ─≥ was not declared in this scope
swapalloc.cpp: In function Б─≤void unlock_pages(unsigned int, unsigned int)Б─≥:
swapalloc.cpp error: Б─≤assertБ─≥ was not declared in this scope
swapalloc.cpp: In function Б─≤void swapout_pages(unsigned int, unsigned int)Б─≥:
swapalloc.cpp error: Б─≤assertБ─≥ was not declared in this scope
swapalloc.cpp: In function Б─≤void clear_pages(unsigned int, unsigned int)Б─≥:
swapalloc.cpp error: Б─≤assertБ─≥ was not declared in this scope
make: *** [swapalloc.o] Error 1


#include <assert.h> добавь


откомпелил, но при запуске сегментейшн фол


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