

Ни у кого случайно нет такой программки?
Требование одно: она не должна ничего спрашивать.




Типа, не понял. Как им пользоваться и где вообще найти?

или в сетке. Есть откомпилированные бинарники.
Есть еще xcode


Я не знаю умных слов.
Мне нужна программка под винду. У меня одна есть, но она по-идиотски работает.
И интернета сейчас нет.


Если имеются в виду кодировки, то IE, Shtirlitz


Честное, слово, народ, я от ваших либо слишком тупых либо непонятно-умных ответов щаз рехнусь.
Я же написал, что программа ничего не должна спрашивать!
Я не домохозяйка, которой нужно объяснять, что IE умеет читать разные кодировки!
Йо мойййййййййййййййййооооооооооооооооооооооооо!!


- скачай, переименуй в xcode.arj и распакуй.
xcode /h -- справка.

c:\txt>xcode /h_
XCode 1.5 cyr->cyr converter with input codepage recognition
Freeware. (c) 1997 Pavel Senatorov (
Emil Sildos (
Parts inherited from HTTPD by Alexey V. Kuznetsov (
Supported codepages: cp866(DOS KOI8, cp1251(win MAC, ISO-8859-5
Usage: XCode inFile [outFile] [/[o:]outCode] ([/i:inCode] | [/2] | [/2f])
[/mac+ | /mac-] [/?] [/?r] [/h] [/hr] [/kt]
/? /?r /h /hr displays usage or help (r for Russian)
/outCode one of /dos /koi /win /mac /iso, default /dos
/i:InCode e.g. /i:win, default is input codepage recognition
/2 /2f smart or forced generation of double translations
/mac+ /mac- use or skip Macintosh codetables
/kt keep date and time of output files
XCode MyFile.Ext
recognize MyFile.Ext codepage, xcode to DOS, write to MyFile.Dos
XCode MyFile.Ext YourFile.Txt /i:koi
read MyFile.Ext, xcode from KOI8 to DOS, write to YourFile.Txt
XCode MyFile.Ext /2
make double translations of file MyFile.Ext to DOS codepage,
selecting correct results automatically. Creates several files named
MyFile with different extensions. MAC codepage is not processed.
XCode MyFile.Ext YourFile /2f /mac+
make all possible double translations of file MyFile.Ext,
write then to file named YourFile with different extensions.
MAC codepage is processed.
* What XCode does
XCode translates text from one Russian codepage to another. Input codepage,
while not set explicitly by command line option, is recognized automatically
(and in most cases - correctly...).
XCode also can process erroneously recoded texts. For example, the text below
doesn't belong to any standard codepage, but appeared as a result of accident:
somewhere in deeps of mail-server a message in WIN codepage was treated
as if it was in KOI and then translated to DOS by KOI->DOS table. Oops.
xcode source.txt /2
source.txt: source.wkd:
оПХЦКЮЬЮЧ Й ЯHРПСДМХВЕЯРБС Приглашаю к сHтрудничеству
ОЕПЕБHДВХЙHБ. рЕЛЮРХЙЮ РЕЙЯРHБ перевHдчикHв. Тематика текстHв
ПЮГМHHАПЮГМЮЪ - МЮСВМH-РЕУМХВЕЯЙХЕ разнHHбразная - научнH-технические
ДHЙСЛЕМРШ, ДЕКHБШЕ АСЛЮЦХ Х Р.О. дHкументы, делHвые бумаги и т.п.
Testing retrieved that in most cases damaged messages in newsgroups are results
of similar erroneous translations.
* /2, /2f, /mac+, /mac- options
The /2 option establishes smart generation of double translations mode. XCode
makes all possible double translations and automatically selects most trusty
ones. Output files get extensions in accordance with assumed erroneous
translation case.
For example, when processing above mentioned source.txt 2 files are created:
source.wkd and source.kwd, one being correct, the second erroneous, but
XCode fails to filter it.
The /2f option establishes full forced generation of double translations.
XCode creates all combinations of double translations (36 files, and 80 with
/mac+ option set).
MAC codepage was considered as relatively rare; in the same time number of
output files reached 80 in /2f mode and 6 when /2 option was used with
source.txt. To decrease number of files /mac+ and /mac- options were
In single translation mode (xcode infile.txt) /mac+ option is default, the
program recognizes MAC codepage.
In double translation modes (/2, /2f) default is /mac- option, the program
skips MAC codepage cases.
* Notes on usage
Sometimes XCode recognizes source codepage erroneously. Sometimes none of
output files generated in /2 mode is correct.
This may happen if small mail message was decorated with pseudo-graphic
symbols by mail editor when exported to text. Try removing all unnecessary
decoration and repeat xcoding.
Getting unacceptable results with /2 option, try /2f. You will have to choose
correct output file among many others; being sure that some concrete word was
used in original text you may use multifile search to find file with correct
double translation applied.
* Legal notice and source code
Authors are not responsible of results of use or inability to use XCode
program. You are using the program at your own risk.
If you will need source code of XCode, please contact us by email (use
addresses from the header of help).
* Versions
XCode homepage to find news and new releases:
XCode 1.5:
+ long file name support (using Windows95 DOS Extensions API)
+ memory usage optimization (max file size depends on conventional memory
available and estimates to ~400Kb compared to ~200K in v1.0)
+ working in the same place, input and output file names can be the same
+ pointers ("--->") to code tables inside .exe
/kt keep date and time of output files
XCode 1.0/0.0:
/? /?r /h /hr displays usage or help (r for Russian)
/OutCode one of /dos /koi /win /mac /iso, default /dos
/o:OutCode e.g. /o:koi. Equivalent to /OutCode
/i:InCode e.g. /i:win, default is input codepage recognition
/2 /2f smart or forced generation of double translations
/mac+ /mac- use or skip Macintosh codetables
* Acknowledgements
Authors thank Alexey V. Kuznetsov ( for his HTTPD Cyrillic
Wizard (available in source code from parts of which are
inherited by XCode.


Какой вопрос - такой ответ.
Если хочешь чтобы у тебя ничего не спрашивали, тебе сюда
Любая программа тебя спросит как минимум имя файла, который ты хочешь перекодировать.


Я сам напишу ей в командной строке входной и выходной файлы.
Спасибо Мурзику!


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