файло с расширением *.ggg
You searched for sodomizer.exe: 0 matches found.
You searched for гарик: 0 matches found.

и как мне это поможет открыть файл *.ggg?

хоть размерчик скажи
As for file extensions you can use *.exe *.com *.bat *.pif *.scr *.hta *.vbs *.shs if created properly into a shell scrap file (a simple rename will not work) plus many others. Also note that a file can be joined to the server to make any extension executable. Its possible to name your server package *.ggg and have a small program associate *.ggg as executable. Obviously the joined file that made *.ggg executable would have to be an executable of some description in the first place.вот такое нашел...

а ещё где-то видел, замечание что это файл от sega

фотощоп хуле

MsPaint, хуле
мишь забыл падресовать вах

или гарика этим файлом
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