какая программа открывает файл с расширением .amd

Extension: AMD
Program and/or Extension Function [What's This?] Company [What's This?]
ABBYY Finereader 5.0 Pro File ABBYY Software House
Specific Notes [What's This?]
ABBYY FineReader Engine is a comprehensive data capture and document recognition / conversion SDK. It includes technologies needed for developing intelligent data capture, document recognition, and document conversion systems.
MIME Type [What's This?] File Classification [What's This?] Associated Links [What's This?]
* None
Identifying Characters [What's This?]
(None or Unknown)
Program ID [What's This?]
General Notes [What's This?]
This is record 1034 last modified on 2005-07-30.
Extension: AMD
Program and/or Extension Function [What's This?] Company [What's This?]
AMUSIC AdLib Tracker
Specific Notes [What's This?]
Play using Winamp with the AdPlug plug-in.
MIME Type [What's This?] File Classification [What's This?] Associated Links [What's This?]
* Winamp
* AdPlug
Identifying Characters [What's This?]
(None or Unknown)
Program ID [What's This?]
(None or Unknown)
General Notes [What's This?]
This is record 16158 last modified on 2004-02-25.
Extension: AMD
Program and/or Extension Function [What's This?] Company [What's This?]
LICOM AlphaCAM 3D Mill, 2D Mill Drawing
Specific Notes [What's This?]
MIME Type [What's This?] File Classification [What's This?] Associated Links [What's This?]
* None
Identifying Characters [What's This?]
(None or Unknown)
Program ID [What's This?]
(None or Unknown)
General Notes [What's This?]
This is record 1035 last modified on 2003-01-14.
никакая, по-моему. Это языковые словари для интерфейса Лингвы, как мне кажется
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