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Да ну. FR7 - бяка.
What's New in ABBYY FineReader 9.0Ещё?
Version 9.0 of ABBYY FineReader provides a number of major enhancements and features. Some features (as specified below) are specific to ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Corporate Edition or ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Site License Edition.
Intelligent document processing
Proprietary OCR technology
ABBYY FineReader uses ABBYY's latest groundbreaking Adaptive Document Recognition Technology to analyze multi-page documents in their entirety rather than page by page. This approach preserves the logical organization of the document, retaining not only the original text and columns, but also headers, footers, fonts, styles, footnotes, and the numbered captions of tables and pictures. The resulting electronic version can be easily edited and re-used.
Matching fonts and styles
Significant changes have been made to the font recognition module, which now identifies the fonts used in the original document and finds the best matches from among the available fonts on your computer.
Ease of use
Auto-detection of document languages
FineReader no longer requires you to manually select recognition languages for your documents prior to starting OCR. The program uses advanced algorithms to detect the languages used.
Improved interface
FineReader’s new results-driven interface has been enhanced to be simpler and more intuitive. Windows, toolbars, keyboard shortcuts, as well as scanning, OCR, and saving options, can be customized. New interactive tips streamline user learning and help you get results faster.
New QuickTasks
FineReader provides numerous predefined QuickTasks that allow you to quickly convert your PDF documents, images, digital photos or scanned paper documents into a Microsoft Word document, Microsoft Excel worksheet, or PDF file. You can launch any of the QuickTasks with a single mouse click:
- from the QuickTasks window
- from Start>All Programs>ABBYY FineReader 9.0
- or from the shortcut menu of a file.
Running OCR from within other applications
Version 9.0 adds support for Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Outlook to the previous integration with Microsoft Word.
Multi-core processor support
ABBYY FineReader 9.0 harnesses the capabilities of the increasingly popular multi-core processors. This technology allows users to perform several document processing steps simultaneously without slowing down the system.
PDF/A, DjVu, DOCX, and XLSX support
Now you can save your documents in PDF/A, a commonly used for long-term document storage in archives and libraries.
ABBYY FineReader enables you to extract text from files in the popular DjVu e-book format and saves it in an editable format of your choice.
Integration with Microsoft Office 2007 allows you to save recognized documents in DOCX and XLSX.
Professional features
Working with legal texts
ABBYY FineReader 9.0 automatically identifies the specialized elements and formatting found in legal documents. The product automatically identifies legal documents and preserves their original attributes, such as signatures in contracts and line numbers from pleading documents.
Section 508 Compliance
ABBYY FineReader 9.0 complies with Section 508. The software’s accessibility features include customizable keyboard shortcuts and wizards that can be easily read by screen readers; beep signals that single the end of operations; and text that is automatically scaled to the screen’s width.
Processing e-mail messages with ABBYY Hot Folder & Scheduling
(only in ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Corporate Edition and ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Site License Edition)
You can specify which images sent by MFPs or faxes to your email box should be automatically processed by FineReader.
Windows Vista Certified
ABBYY FineReader 9.0 has been officially certified for Microsoft Windows Vista devices and software. The Windows Vista Certified logo ensures the program's compatibility with the advanced features of the Microsoft Windows Vista operating system.
Не, ну если бы там раздавали 9-ю версию, то я бы конечно взял ее. Я-то думал, что ты альтернативу Fine Reader предложишь. . Ну и мож ещё какие другие проги, хз. Меня лично ФР 9 абсолютно устраивает. Единственный минус - что относительно долго загружается.
Альтернатива есть, кста -
ггг. Как раз сегодня на работе смотрел результаты сравнения FR9 c другим OCR-движком. FR несколько проигрывал в скорости и сильно проигрывал по качеству распознания. Правда у него есть один плюс: с кириллицей он несколько лучше работает, что задерживает распространения того движка у нас.
другим OCR-движкомкак звать?
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