Re: Какой прогой можно фильмаки на отдельные части разбивать?
последний, 1.5.5 качать
Она экспериментальная - лучше бери 1.5.4, а ещё лучше VirtualDubMod - это VirtualDub 1.5.4 + несколько полезных фич (поддержка mpeg2/vob, несколько звуковых дорожек)
проверил пожал старой и новой, и об"ем файла, и время совпадают в пределах ошибки
качество на мой взгляд тоже, так что обещанной более быстрой работы 1.5.5 не заметил
Качество и скорость сжатия зависят только от кодека и никак от virtualdub-а!
А там сказано только об оптимизации вывода видео на экран и работы с диском в режиме Direct Stream Copy.
т.е. changes никаких
[features added]
* Partial Unicode support -- you can now open and save
files using Unicode filenames.
* "Chroma smoother" video filter refilters point-sampled
chroma with linear interpolation.
* Single-stream cut & paste. (Be patient....)
* Improved performance of AVI parser, particularly for
Direct mode streaming.
* Improved performance of bicubic upsampler.
* Audio filter graph now shows intermediate audio
formats on connections.
* Audio filters can now be plugins.
* New MPEG-1 video core (Meia) -- full vertical
clipping. Horizontal clipping is still by macroblock.
* Rewrote display code -- DirectDraw support is now
* Log windows now have a context menu for clearing,
copying, and saving the log text.
* Modified AVI2 indexing to relax indexing restrictions
somewhat, although it's still not user configurable
[bugs fixed]
* Hex editor occasionally displayed the wrong data after
a find or save command.
* "Attach extension" option didn't work for signpost
save dialog.
* Fixed crash when I/O errors occur during a processing
operation, and then occur again when attempting to
gracefully finalize the partial output file.
* "Clear" didn't work in audio filter graph.
* Fixed I/O errors when attempting to push audio forward
with advanced audio filtering enabled.
* "Go to" command didn't handle timestamps with frac-
tional seconds that only had 1 or 2 decimal digits.
* "General convolution" generated bad code for factors
of 2, 4, and 8 when dynamic compilation was enabled.
* Interleave periods of zero are no longer allowed.
* Added workaround for crash or hang when compressing
with the "3ivx D4 4.0.4" video codec.
* Fixed non-interleaved save mode and made it cooperate
with segmentation.
* Added workaround for heap corruption when processing
audio in advanced mode sourced from some versions of
* Clarified DivX warning to note that it doesn't apply
to the DivX 4+ codecs.
* Fixed filter cropping not working properly when
"motion blur" was the first filter in the chain.
а багов какие там описаны у меня и раньше не было, новые доп. опции мне как-то пофигу
т.е. для меня изменений никаких
сurrent build (1.5.6, stable): [October 10, 2003]
[features added]
* Added support for YV12 during fast recompress.
* Input video is now displayed during fast recompress
for UYVY and YUY2 modes.
* Video display updates are now suppressed for panes
that are totally hidden.
[bugs fixed]
* MP3 rate correction was correcting dwRate but not
interleaving, causing some problems for embedded
decoders. The interleaving rate is now adjusted
on the fly. Note that MP3 correction is still not
enabled when segmentation is active.
* Time base for the position control was improperly
affected by the "convert to fps" option.
* "Box blur" filter was broken on CPUs without MMX.
Dumb (Dumb compiler bugs....)
[regressions fixed]
* Menu cleanup: removed synchronous blit and histogram,
fixed vertical layout and pane swap.
* Fixed crash when loading some job configurations from
1.5.4 and below.
* Fixed audio displacement not working in simple audio
pipeline with forward offset.
* Adjusted Z-order of status bar relative to panes.
* MPEG-1 decoding was broken on platforms with MMX
but without SSE2.
* Plugin code could crash if no plugins were installed,
particularly under Windows NT 4.0.
* Video codec code occasionally named the wrong codec
when reporting video format corruption during codec
* Corrected DCT coefficient pruning in MJPEG decoder.
* Fixed crash when WAV open fails.
* Delete was producing invalid subsets in some cases.
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