[lamer mode] мп3 более канальным чем стерео бывает?


стандартный фрэйм хедер не содержит никаких намёков на >2 канала http://www.mp3-tech.org/programmer/frame_header.html
за этим логотипом сткрывается наверно какое-нить псевдоразделение стерео на кучу каналов
Multichannel is part of the mpeg-2 extensions of mp3. However, unlike for mp2, it has never been implemented.
In the ISO compliance testings, there is the only publically available multichannel mp3 track. This track was synthetically produced, not created by an encoder. This means that untill now, there does not exist any multichannel mp3 encoder.
(c) Hydrogenaudio forums
MP3 Surround presents audio in full 5.1-channel sound. Developed jointly by the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, the research group behind the original MP3, and Agere Systems, the new audio format requires new decoding software that's expected to be available during the summer of this year. Older MP3 software and devices can still play these new files, but only in stereo. The institute expects MP3 Surround to be used predominantly for internet broadcasts such as online radio.
The format works by preserving a standard stereo version of the music, then adding a spatial data layer containing details of how the music should be distributed through the six speakers of a home cinema system. By separating the information, MP3 Surround tracks are able to retain the small file sizes we're used to seeing in standard MP3. The same options for encoding music at reduced bit-rates to make files smaller will be available.
(c)Digital Home Magazine
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