Re: [humor] Evolution Of A Linux User

One of your friends installs Linux and says, "It's cool, dude!"Согласен. Очень характерная фраза.
you pick up a boxed version of Red Hat on impulse.Это было первой ошибкой. Собственно Linux не установился из-за выбранного дистрибутива, а не из-за железа. btw, какая версия Dead Rat была в 1999 г?
WinModem, WinSoundCard, WinIDEController,Бред какой. Ну WinModem существует, но как он помешает инсталляции? Положим WinPrinterом он обозвал принтер не поддерживающий postscript. Но тот же вопрос: как он мешает инсталлации? Остальное вообще бред, и WinDRAM вообще апофеоз.
WinPrinter, WinMonitor, and WinDRAM that came with your
"Windows 98 Ready" machine from CompUSSR.
You don't realize this however, since you didn't read the FAQs andА какого хела нужно читать документацию для установки системы. Документацию нужно читать потом, когда конфигуришь.
HOWTOs. You immediately blame the problems on Linux and
give up. You ditch your Red Hat copy by selling it on eBay.
You buy a bunch of "study guides" to pass the MCSE examination.Думаю, чел который занялся получением MCSE уже не вернется в линах.
You stare blankly at the screenО, да. Типичный linux addict.
in awe; you are unable to utter a word, unable to think of
anything else except "HOLY SHIT THIS IS SO DAMN COOL!"
Once you finally get PPP working (it was a nastyВ линуксе действительно всё так плохо? Кстати, наш форум тоже изобилует этим вопросом.
challenge, but you're so enamored with Linux that you
hardly notice)
Your ISP is acquired by another company, a very1) Какой же это нах ISP, если у них диалап пул под виндой?
Microsoft-friendly company, to be exact. They "upgrade"
the system; however, the only change you can notice is that
Linux and PPP no longer work without extensive hacking.
2) Неужели в линуксе так плохо с PPP, что он с виндой не вяжется?
You do anythingНе верю что это принадлежит к одной стадии.
and everything to advocate Linux and spite your old master,
Microsoft. Usenet, Slashdot, and LinuxToday are your
hangouts. You have a strong opinion about the GNU GPL and
you're not afraid to share it. ... skip ... skip
Instead of a novel, you read the Linux kernel source for
Unexpectedly, a media conglomerate (i.e. Andover,Размечтался нах
Ziff-Davis,, etc.) offers to buy your Linux
portal website and domain name for an obscene price that
contains a significant number of digits.

Это неправда.

И наверное, правильней будет: чел получивший MCSE.

Чтобы успешно установить.
Смотри например соседний тред:
Не говоря уже о том, что если ты засунешь дистрибутив win xp и начнёшь ставить,
не прочитав ничего, sasser к тебе придёт уже во время установки (или сразу после, хз)
То же относится и к старым дистрибутивам Linux и наверное *BSD, где дырявый sshd запускается по умолчанию (а надо знать, что от этого следует отказаться, до установки обновлений).
Ниасилил. Параграфофф нет нах. АМ. (с)
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oleg_mcp Of A Linux User
November 28, 1999
During the past year, the scientists in Humorix's Vast
Research Lab Of Doom have studied the behavior and attitude
of the typical Windows and Linux user. They have found that
the average Linux user goes through ten stages of
development from a "Microserf" to an "Enlightened Linux
User". An eleventh stage, "Getting A Life", has also been
observed, but only on extremely rare occasions.
The 11 stages of evolution are summarized below. Note,
however, that this life cycle is not universal. Many
pundits, Microsoft stock holders, and PHBs never advance
beyond Stage 0 ("Microserf"). Moreover, many extreme
Slashdot addicts are stuck between Stages 6 and 7 ("Linux
Zealot") and never evolve to Stage 9 ("Enlightened Linux
User"). And, unfortunately, far too many people are unable
to leave Stage 8 ("Back to Reality") and achieve Geek
Self-Actualization due to problems outside of their
You are the number one member of the Bill Gates fan club.
Your life revolves around x86 computers running the latest
version of Microsoft solutions: Windows, Office, Internet
Explorer, Visual Basic, and even Bob. You have nothing but
hate for those eccentric Mac weenies with their
click-n-drool interfaces and those stone-age Unix oldtimers
with their archaic command lines.
You frequently send angry letters to your elected
representative about Microsoft's "freedom to innovative".
You think lawyers are evil (unless they are defending
innovative companies like Microsoft). You own an
autographed copy of a book that was ghostwritten by Bill
Gates. Your blood boils when somebody forwards you a
so-called Microsoft "joke" by email.
In short, you are a Microserf.
Your world-view begins to sour as you encounter a growing
number of annoyances with Microsoft products. The number
of Blue Screens increases, however you ascribe the problem
(at first) to conflicts with poorly written drivers that
came with your peripherals. Icons keep jumping around the
desktop unpredicatably. You spend 30 minutes one day idly
searching for an obscure configuration option in the
Control Panel.
Slowly but surely, you begin to have doubts about the
quality of Microsoft software. Then, the Microsoft
Network, to which you have dutifully subscribed since 1995,
begins to double bill your credit card. You attempt to
rectify the problem, but are stymied by the burgeoning
bureaucracy of Microsoft's Customer Support Department.
Fear sets in... will you get your money back?
Meanwhile, something called "Linux" appears on the fringe
of your radar. You immediately dismiss the idea of a
viable and quality Microsoft alternative (Linux is
Unix-based and therefore must suck, you conclude).
Nevertheless, you wish something could be done for some of
the annoyances in Windows. But you do nothing about it.
You keep hearing about this Linux thing, and Open Source,
and Apache, and FreeBSD as well. One of your friends
installs Linux and says, "It's cool, dude!" You discover
that the selection of Windows books at your local bookstore
has remained constant while the Linux and Unix books are
multiplying like rabbits. You argue, "Well, this just means
Linux sucks... if there was such a large demand for it,
there wouldn't be many books on shelves."
Nevertheless, as time wears on and Windows becomes more
fragile, the temptation to give Linux a try becomes more
and more irresistable. While at your local
SuperMegaOfficeSupplyStore, you pick up a boxed version of
Red Hat on impulse.
With much hubris, you completely ignore the documentation
and attempt to install the OS by the seat of your pants.
The installation is a failure; Linux simply cannot work
with the WinModem, WinSoundCard, WinIDEController,
WinPrinter, WinMonitor, and WinDRAM that came with your
"Windows 98 Ready" machine from CompUSSR. You don't
realize this however, since you didn't read the FAQs and
HOWTOs. You immediately blame the problems on Linux and
give up. You ditch your Red Hat copy by selling it on
After the installation fiasco, you leave fearful,
uncertain, and doubtful about this "alternative" operating
system. Windows may have its problems, but Microsoft will
fix them in the next upgrade, you reckon.
"Linux sucks" is your new attitude towards life. Windows,
all things considered, ain't so bad. You resolve to become
a better Microsoft customer by participating in the
Microsoft Developer Network and the Site Builder Network.
You buy a bunch of "study guides" to pass the MCSE
You launch a Windows advocacy site on some dinky free
webpage provider, utilizing the latest innovations in
VBScript, ActiveX, and other IE-specific features. Instead
of lurking, you now actively participate in Linux and
Macintosh bashing on various Usenet groups. Upon
discovering Slashdot for the first time, you assume the
role of the Bastard Anonymous Coward From Hell by posting
countless flamebait posts about how cool Microsoft is and
how much "Linsux" (as you call it) is a crappy OS.
You proudly wear an "All Hail Chairman Bill" T-shirt and
display numerous pro-Microsoft bumper stickers ("Honk if
you hate anti-trust laws") on your car. You never leave
home without your Windows CE-based palmtop computer. You
make a pilgrimage to Redmond to marvel at the glory that is
the Microsoft Campus.
Your Microserf ways come to an abrupt end when everything
goes wrong. You lose a vital work-related document to a
Windows crash. You lose your job as an indirect result.
You find that applying for jobs is difficult... everyone
wants your resume in the latest version of Word, but you
have an older version that has an incompatible file format.
You waste more and more time tinkering with Windows and
other Microsoft programs to keep them in working order.
You encounter serious problems with Windows, but your calls
to technical support only yield the dreaded response,
"re-install the OS".
After much grief you finally land another job at a software
company, only to find out a month later that Microsoft has
announced a competing product to be "integrated" with the
next version of Windows. You soon lose your job.
You can't take it much longer. You are now an official
Disgruntled User, and are ready for a way to escape from
the depths of Microsoft Hell. You are ready for anything
at all... even a primitive, archaic, hard-to-install,
grief-laden alternative like Linux.
You resolve to install Linux now, for real. Your friends
say "It's about time", and tell you to RTFM this time.
After losing yourself in the documentation for several
days, you figure out why your previous encounter with Lin