Приложение -> сервис


Есть ли проги, делающие такое преобразование?


Есть в составе Resource Kit for Win NT утилитка "service any" .
Она ничего не преобразует, просто запускает процесс как сервис.


А как им пользоваться?


Мне эта утилита никогда не требовалась.... В том же ResKit есть полная документация.
Srvany.exe: Applications as Services Utility
With Srvany, you can configure any Windows application so that it runs as a service. When applications are run as services:
they are not closed during logoff, so users do not need to restart them each time they log on.
server applications can handle requests even when nobody is logged on to the server.
an application can run with a logon account different from that of the current user.

Even when started as services, some applications quit when the user logs off. This happens if the applications do not ignore the WM_ENDSESSION message (or CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT).
Srvany works best with 32-bit applications written for Windows 2000 or Windows NT. You can use this tool to start 16-bit Windows applications as services, but some 16-bit applications are not able to keep running after a user logs off from the computer.

All Srvany services should be disabled when installing or upgrading Windows 2000, Windows NT Server, Windows NT Workstation, or applications.
Srvany Topics

Installing Srvany
Running an Application as a Service
Starting and Stopping a Service
Srvany Notes
File Required



Ещё есть FireDaemon.


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