[OLAP] Методы Аткинса и Гаусса в для решения систем уравнений


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Oracle OLAP uses the Aitkens delta-squared solution method. In the first two of every three iterations over a block of simultaneous equations, the equations are solved using the values from the previous iteration, and the results are tested for convergence and divergence. In every third iteration, the results are obtained not by solving the equations, but by making a next-guess calculation. This calculation uses the results of the previous three iterations. The results of the guesses are not tested for convergence and divergence, and the solution always continues to the next iteration. (Default)
Oracle OLAP uses the Gauss-Seidel solution method. Equations in a simultaneous block are solved in each iteration over the block. The results are tested for convergence and divergence in each iteration.
Но блин, у меня английский вариант не хочет в русский переходить ) может кто объяснить разницу?


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