Ха! Dell Idea Storm A вот и результаты

имхо накрутили
имхо накрутилиСтранно если на сайте такой компании не предприняли мероприятия по защите от накруток.
Но даже если так, то с моим желанием это точно совпадает, хотя я больше склоняюсь к идеи продажи "голой машины".
думаю, "накрутили" в смысле ссылка прошла на слэшдоте или ещё каком людном линуксофильском месте, откуда толпы народу пошли и проголосовали. А другие варианты особо нигде не раскрутились, вот и.
вот и.Ну и что "вот и"?
Это что не очевидное требование покупателей?
Тем кому винда нужна они и не парятся. А все остальные в роли ущемленных, и естественно рады изменить данное положение дел! Особенно если быть услышанными, через этот портал, у них намного больше шансов.
Мне и самому весьма нравятся опенсорсовые ОС, но мне совершенно не нравится идея развивать его путём войны с другими системами, которой, судя по темам публикуемых тобой новостей, одержим ты. Мне и макось не нравится тоже, не тем, что она чем-то плоха, а тем, что пытается отъесть долю рынка у винды. Если им это удастся - это же полный хаос, тысячам людей изучать компьютеры заново, чтобы делать свою работу, иметь дуалбут или даже несколько машин, чтобы играть во все интересующие игрушки, и так далее. В общем, не понимаю, какая в этом радость.
но мне совершенно не нравится идея развивать его путём войны с другими системамиЧто-то я не понимаю, ты считаешь возвращение ситуации, с выбором ОС на покупаемом компьютере, в нормальное конкурентное русло неправильным?
И тебя не смущает, что даже при всей очевидности твоего желания не покупать W$, которую ты даже не планируешь использовать - этого нельзя сделать?
Борьба с таким положением, противоречащим всем мысленным цивилизованным нормам, это пример нехорошей борьбы с конкурентом?
С последней частью твоего утверждения я вообще не согласен. Что мешает человеку знать только одну ос? В мире W$ это даже очень распространенное явление.
Короче говоря ты хочешь абсолютной унификации, которая по определению невозможна!

Dell gives desktop Linux its "full attention"
Feb. 20, 2007
In an attempt to boost its sagging fortunes, Dell, one of the leading PC makers in America, recently launched the Dell Idea Storm website to solicit ideas on how to get Dell back to the top. The most popular idea so far? Desktops with pre-installed Linux.
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That's good news, but what's better news is that Dell is taking it seriously. In a brief email exchange with Bob Pearson, Dell's vice president of corporate group communications, said, "You're right that Linux is one of the hottest topics on Idea Storm."
Specifically, users wanted the top-three free Linuxes — Ubuntu, Fedora, and openSUSE — offered as selections for the Dell desktop. The Linux option was almost twice as popular as the next option. That next option was, by the way, to have OpenOffice pre-installed instead of Microsoft Works or a trial version of Microsoft Office.
After that, the fourth most popular option was for Dell to offer a laptop with Linux pre-installed. The fifth on the list was, if Dell couldn't offer Linux pre-installed, was to start offering systems without any operating system.
Dell has long offered workstations with Red Hat Linux Enterprise Linux WS 4 installed. There was also a time when Dell made one of its computers, the Dimension E510n PC, available with a blank hard disk. Today, Dell offers several of its low-priced nSeries desktops without an installed operating system.
As for this wave of support for the Linux desktop, Pearson said that "We are immediately sharing these ideas throughout our company, so that our managers can determine what we should do and/or some of the ideas will trigger others. Later this week, we will start posting those ideas where we have or will soon take action."
While "I can't speak specifically to Linux," Pearson said, "I can assure you it is getting full attention."
In recent months, Dell has struggled as its market-share has slipped and an SEC investigation into its accounting and financial practices has dragged on. Dell is now second to Hewlett-Packard in the market. The immediate result was that Kevin Rollins, who took over as CEO in 2004, resigned and founder Michael Dell returned as the company's CEO.
When Michael Dell took over the steering wheel on January 31, he said, "I am enthusiastic about Dell 2.0, which includes our plan to provide the best customer experience, build a strong global services business and ensure our products deliver the best long-term customer value."
Dell 2.0 can be summed up as putting the customers first instead of purely trying to maximize the bottom line with cost-cutting efficiencies. As Graham Weston, executive chairman for Rackspace Managed Hosting, said in an eWEEK interview after Michael Dell came back, "It was a classic example of a company putting efficiency first," Weston said. "They wanted one supplier, not two. They wanted one motherboard, not two ... so they chose efficiency over what the customer wanted."
In a DesktopLinux interview almost a year ago, Michael Dell said that his company wasn't leading Linux, it was tracking Linux. Today, with a company that's committed to putting customer needs first and a business that has shown that it's willing to take radical steps with its products — such as first supporting AMD Opteron chips in its servers, and then following that move with support for AMD chips in its desktops — perhaps Dell is now ready to make a Linux desktop move.
If nothing else, Pearson concluded today's message with "We'll stay in touch on this topic." Desktop Linux users are hoping that he'll get back in touch with an announcement that Dell will offer Linux on one or more of its popularly priced desktop or laptops.
— Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
Я надеюсь, что это начало массового знакомства пользователей с Linux на рабочих и домашних местах, что значительно исправит пробел присутствующий у него в данной части рынка.

Как только появилась виста - купить ноут с установленной XP виндой стало сразу же невозможно.
У других компаний вроде пока есть выбор.
Я надеюсь, что это начало массового знакомства пользователей с Linux на рабочих и домашних местах, что значительно исправит пробел присутствующий у него в данной части рынка.А я уверен в том, что это принесет только дополнительные убытки Microsoft при заключении новых
контрактов с Dell'ом, дискриминирующими Linux. Вот и все.

Конечно, хотелось бы надеяться на обратное.

А вот и подтверждение:
Hey dude, you're getting Linux on that Dell
The idea, suggested by IT users on a Dell Web site, is being adopted
February 24, 2007 (Computerworld) — After collecting some 1,800 new product and service ideas from IT users and customers using an online "suggestion box," Dell Inc. has announced that it's taking the user suggestions seriously and will soon debut and sell a new line of certified, user-ready Linux-loaded desktop and laptop computers.
The Dell IdeaStorm Web site, where customers and other IT enthusiasts can offer recommendations about future Dell products and configurations that they'd want to buy, was started on Feb. 16 by CEO Michael Dell, who is looking for ways to re-energize the company's sales and financial performance after several disappointing quarters.
One post that got a lot of interest was the idea that Dell bring back a reasonably priced laptop computer that runs Linux.
Just a week after debuting the IdeaStorm site, the company said Friday night that the Linux-loaded desktops and laptops will be the first user-generated suggestions that it will follow.
"It's exciting to see the IdeaStorm community's interest in open-source solutions like Linux and OpenOffice," the company said in a post on the Web site. "Your feedback has been all about flexibility and we have seen a consistent request to provide platforms that allow people to install their operating system of choice. We are listening, and as a result, we are working with Novell to certify our corporate client products for Linux, including our OptiPlex desktops, Latitude notebooks and Dell Precision workstations. This is another step towards ensuring that our customers have a good experience with Linux on our systems."
The company said that other Linux distributions were also suggested by users, and that Dell will look into possible certifications with other Linux brands across its product lines.
And while earlier Linux-based machines didn't exactly set the company's sales charts on fire, several IT analysts and Linux luminaries said conditions are better for Dell to try again.
"I think it would be very worthwhile for Dell," said Jon "Maddog" Hall, the executive director of Linux International, an open-source advocacy group in Amherst, N.H. "It's always better when a hardware manufacturer works with software vendors" to integrate their products for users. "That's what makes a good combination. That's why Apple is so good at what they do."
Hall, who hasn't used a Windows-based computer in some six or seven years, said that with more Linux applications available, the time may be right for Dell to release such hardware. "Today, with several good Linux desktop distributions like Ubuntu, Red Hat and Novell SUSE, [the tide is] turning — particularly with people who are a little dissatisfied with Vista and its minimum hardware requirements. I think this would be a good time to revisit this."
Eric S. Raymond, president of The Open Source Initiative and author of The Cathedral and The Bazaar, said in an e-mail that the postings from users on the Dell site is "a sign [that] users are demanding genuine choices. Microsoft's line is doubtless going to be that what we've seen is a tiny band of zealots stuffing the IdeaStorm ballot box," Raymond wrote.
"In truth, I actually considered that possibility myself. But I dismissed it on evidence" that included posts from other users who complained about real-world concerns such as pop-ups and dealing with support personnel in foreign Dell tech-support call centers, he wrote.
"The second-order implications are even more interesting, because I think there's no way that Michael Dell didn't see this coming," Raymond wrote. "His company has been quietly selling Linux machines to business customers for several years — which means he's got more than enough real-world market data to see where the trends are going. Mr. Dell had to have a pretty strong suspicion that Linux preinstalls were going to show up as a top user demand before the fact — and yet, he let IdeaStorm happen anyway. This tells me he isn't nearly as nervous about angering Microsoft as he used to be. Something in the balance of power between the world's largest PC vendor and the crew in Redmond has shifted, and not in Redmond's favor. You can bet money on that."
Running Linux on Dell laptops could have another lure, Raymond wrote. "I think one significant problem Dell and Microsoft are facing is just that Vista is too resource-hungry and bloated to run well on sub-$500 machines, which are the highest-volume market segment now. Dell may be arranging itself some maneuvering room to preinstall an [operating system] that won't make its low-end hardware look like crap."
Stephen O'Grady, an analyst at RedMonk in Bath, Maine, said the move could work if Dell sets its expectations appropriately for Linux-equipped laptops. "But people expecting Linux [on laptops] to have the same impact as in the server market [where the operating system is widely used in corporate IT] would be a stretch."
O'Grady said free Linux distributions such as Ubuntu have matured and "in many respects are equal to [Microsoft] Windows or Macintosh OS X."
Such a configuration won't soon unseat Microsoft's dominance in the marketplace, he said, but there is a maturing market for the combination. "It just depends on how seriously Dell will take the opportunity," O'Grady said. "I don't think it's ridiculous at all."
Charles King, an analyst at Pund-IT Inc. in Hayward, Calif., agreed. "I'm an undying optimist where customer choice comes in," he said. And for Dell, which has suffered through a string of disappointing financial quarters and the replacement of CEO Kevin Rollins by company founder Michael Dell, a Linux-loaded laptop line could spark the search for new market share, King said. "Given the company's present state, I think it's critically important to investigate sales opportunities wherever they might be," he said. "I think that anything's worth looking at for Dell."
Tony Iams, an analyst at Ideas International in Rye Brook, N.Y., said the question for Dell is whether there is enough critical mass to justify the investment. "This can be an opportunity for Dell to pick up some incremental business, to pick up some users who have this interest," Iams said. "They do exist. Dell is trying to come up with some new opportunities, so it makes sense that they would attempt this."
At least one analyst urged caution. "You have to take this with a grain of salt," because many of the people posting to the Dell site might have a predisposition for anti-establishment ideas and trends, said Mark Margevichius, an analyst at Gartner Inc. in Stamford, Conn. "I'm not sure it's the marketplace at large. Nonetheless, they have struck a nerve."
The bottom line, he said, is that "if it makes sense for Dell's business to partn
естьОсталось узнать не будет ли распространение этих продуктов иметь только региональный характер.
Хорошо известно, что машины с Mandriva продаются во Франции и Бразилии, но их нельзя купить в других частях мира.

угу... Интересно, не поэтому ли русификация мандривы гораздо хуже, чем португализация или франколизация (ссылку не дам, но где-то читал + свои наблюдения)
Такова ваша доля - учить, какие кнопки нажимать. Зарабатывай хорошо, и можно будет рабов заставить это делать.

Ноутбуки Dell: теперь без операционной системы
28 февраля 2007, 09:34
Как стало известно редакции THG.ru, компания Dell анонсировала появление новых моделей ноутбуков в линейке Latitude. Новинки отличаются отсутствием предустановленной операционной системы и входят в серию - n-Series. Ноутбуки Latitude присоединятся к устройствам линеек Dell Dimension и OptiPlex, которые также входят в серию n-Series и поставляются без ОС.
Как сообщает производитель, решение выпускать ноутбуки без предустановленной операционной системы было принято в результате действия программы Dell IdeaStorm, которая началась несколько недель назад. Суть программы заключается в функционировании специального сайта, где пользователи Интернет могут размещать свои идеи о тех инновациях, которые они хотели бы видеть в продуктах компании. После голосования, происходит определение наиболее популярных идей.
Стоит отметить, что ноутбуки не будут поставляться с предустановленной ОС Linux. Связано это, по словам представителя компании, с огромным числом различных дистрибутивов операционной системы, компания же пытается воздержаться от навязывания какого-то конкретного продукта. В линейку Dell Latitude n-Series войдут ноутбуки: D420, D520, D620 и D820.
Самый лучший вариант!

Сколько это у нас стоить будет?
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Известный производитель компьютеров - компания Dell, решила пойти навстречу своим клиентам, чтобы узнать, какие удобства и особенности они хотели бы видеть в будущих продуктах компании. Для этих целей даже был создан специализированный веб-сайт Dell Idea Storm, на котором посетители могли бы оставлять свои пожелания. Результаты работы веб-сайта в течении нескольких первых дней преподнесли известному производителю компьютеров сюрприз: две трети участников опроса (более 26000 голосов) пожелали, чтобы на новых компьютерах была предустановлена операционная система Linux. А каждый третий из сторонников Linux был бы не против, чтобы в системе уже присутствовал пакет офисных приложений OpenOffice.org. Также более 6500 посетителей предпочли бы покупать "чистый" компьютер, чтобы самостоятельно решать, какую операционную систему устанавливать. Возможно, в ближайшее время руководство Dell сделает определённые выводы.Более подробно http://www.dellideastorm.com/