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Summer of Code: Participant FAQ
What is the Summer of Code?
The Summer of Code is a program in which student developers are provided with a stipend to create new open source programs or to help currently established projects.
Who is eligible?
Students. Since the point of the program is to create new developers, we're looking to find developers around the world who have considered creating free and open source software but who have not yet taken the plunge. We felt that concentrating on the student population was a good place to focus these efforts.
How do you define student?
Someone currently enrolled in or accepted into an accredited institution including but not necessarily limited to colleges, universities, masters programs, phd programs and undergraduate programs.
Who is not eligible?
Google employees, interns, contractors, family members, roommates, or citizens from the countries on the US State Department list of state sponsors of terrorism, which we are bound by law from engaging in commerce with. The mentoring organizations that are taking part may add additional controls on who can participate.
Why is Google doing this?
Google believes that there are more Open Source Developers out in the world waiting to be discovered and that this program might help reveal who they are.
How does the program work?
Google has teamed up with a number of Open Source related organizations who have agreed to help with the Summer of Code. An applicant applies to work on a project for a given organization. That organization has a designated contact who can approve of the application, monitor the students progress and sign off that the applicant has completed their work as described in the application.
What kind of deadlines are associated with the Summer of Code?
May 31st: Announce on code.google.com and open application process
June 1st: Last day new Organizations will be listed on Code.Google.Com
Interim Period: Back and forth with applicants on Summer-Discuss
June 14th: Final application submission deadline.
June 24th: All applications approved or rejected. Cut $500 checks for initial funding.
Interim Period: Give the students a helping hand, guidance.
August 3rd: Google gives a preliminary progress report at OSCON
September 1st: Deadline for all the student work (pencils down).
September 30th: All adviser feedback in.
October 1st: Announce successful participants. Cut final checks and send t-shirts. Party?
How does one apply to take part in the program?
The application is available via the main page
Can I execute on more than one application.
No. You can only work on one stipend.
How old do I have to be to take part in the program?
You must be 18 years old by June 14th, 2005
I am not currently a student, but I am accepted to a college/university, can I take part?
I graduate in the middle of the program, can I take part?
What should an application look like?
The Perl Foundation has a guide on how to write an application on their site. Even if you are not targeting the Perl Foundation, it's a decent start for an applicant looking to participate. A proper application has software development biographical information and should describe your architecture with links to all the proper groups. An explanation of your development methodology is a good idea as well.
What is a mentoring organization?
A group like the Perl Foundation, Ubuntu or the Python software foundation. A whole list can be found on the main page
Do I need to submit my application to the Mentoring Organization?
No, we will route your application to them.
Why doesn't Google just run all aspects of the project themselves?
To help ensure success, we felt that engaging with the Open Source community directly was the best approach. We think that these organizations know what they need better than we do and they understand their processes much better than we can. Thus, we chose to team up with organizations like Ubuntu and the Python Software Foundation so that they can post their needs and enterprising developers can rise to the challenge.
Are mentoring organizations required to use the code produced?
No, while we hope that all the code that comes out of this program will find a happy home, we are not requiring the foundations to do this. If you'd like to know more about the mentoring organizations, read the mentoring organization FAQ
Will I still receive the stipend?
So long as the goals listed in your approved application are met according to the judgment of your mentoring organization, you will receive the stipend.
Can I receive half the money half way through?
There are some situations where we will be open to this, and only for full time students.
What if I want to work with a group that is not currently listed in the mentoring organization list?
Please contact that organization and have them email us via google.com, and point out that we've posted the FAQ for mentoring organizations online for their inspection.
Can a group apply for and work on a single project?
No, only individuals may work on any one project.
When will I hear if my application has been accepted or not?
While we hope that you will hear if your application is accepted or rejected sooner rather than later, we only promise that by June 24th you will hear if you are accepted or rejected.
Should I email the mentor organizations directly or just submit on code.google.com?
Via code.google.com.
I don't see a group listed that I want to work with, can I suggest another?
No, we have closed the program to any new organizations.
I'd like to resubmit, can I delete my old application?
Just resubmit your application, noting that you have an older one that you'd like to pull from consideration.
Can I submit more than one application?
Yes, only one will be approved. If you find yourself submitting more than five, then please note that quality means a lot more than quantity.
What if someone else is attempting to execute on the same project?
That's fine, a little duplication is par for the course in open source.
Are we limited only to the foundations mentioned?
What is the 'other' group for?
If you have an outstanding need for an alternate mentor. For instance, suppose you are working in a cryogenics lab and the only ones really qualified to judge your work writing profilers for liquid nitrogen delivery systems are other cryogenicists, then hit other and describe who you would like to oversee your work. Have them email us.
I put in an application before the second set of mentoring organizations went up, can I resubmit/reapply?
Yes. Please tell us in your app if you'd like us to remove your last application.
How many developers does Google expect to take part in the program?
We have allocated enough funds for up to 200 participants in the program.


Баян Я еще вчера запостил.


За последние сутки там появилось много новых участников.
В том числе и FreeBSD. Ну, кто хочет разрабатывать модули к SNMP демону? Ментор этого проекта по-русски хорошо говорит, да и я могу отвечать на вопросы. Ну, кто хочет?


Я - пас. Не хочу чтобы моим кодом мог кто угодно воспользоваться на халяву. Если уж что-то делать, то только по GPL Поэтому проекты под FreeBSD скорее всего для меня отметаются сразу же.


Надо еще раз побухать вместе, что бы тебя убедить. Кстати, у меня появилось несколько новых аргументов. Не в том смысле, что я их придумал, а в том смысле, что несколько новых фактов.


Что-то я не разобрался: я там оставляю заявку, что буду кодить всё лето, и мне сразу дают 500 баксов?


Я так понял, надо ещё договориться с группой, на которую будешь работать...


Ну, кто хочет разрабатывать модули к SNMP демону?
А на сколько хорошо для этого нужно знать FreeBSD internals?


> А на сколько хорошо для этого нужно знать FreeBSD internals?
В каких единицах отвечать на вопрос?
Ну знание kernel internals практически не нужно. Нужно знание ядерных интерфейсов. Вообще за лето можно это всё с нуля выучить.


Про internals для ламеров есть документация? Вот хочу купить книжку McKusick, но карточку у меня нет ...


Купи через знакомых, как я


McKusick лучше чем Вахалиа? У меня вторая в электронном виде есть (in eng.).
И первая книга McKusic'а тоже. Могут поделиться.


Ага, давай "The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System"
ЗЫ. Уже пора в приват


Тогда ссылку дай


Какие ещё приваты! Информация должна быть доступна всем!


хмм, проблема покупки книги доступен всем?


Хмм... я подумал, что вы про электронный вариант говорите.


сказал что вечером посылает книжку по майлу, потом зашарю


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