запись образа флеш-диска. как?


Как можно сделать полный образ флешки (SD включающий всю файловую систему. С целью потом залить на другую флешку.
Нужна прога под винду. Что лучше использовать?


GNU utilities for Win32
This are some ports of common GNU utilities to native Win32. In this context, native means the executables do only depend on the Microsoft C-runtime (msvcrt.dll) and not an emulation layer like that provided by Cygwin tools.

by http: UnxUtils.zip
latest updates (after 14-04-03): UnxUpdates.zip

В числе прочего там есть и dd. Сам использовать не пробовал


запустил dd.exe
if=FILE read from FILE instead of stdin
obs=BYTES write BYTES bytes at a time
of=FILE write to FILE instead of stdout, don't truncate file
вопрос, че скормить в if= ?
на вариация d: d:\ d:\*.* выдает ошибку :(
Что еще можно попробовать?


  сам не пробовал, но нагуглил:
For Win2000/WinXP users:
Last year, Forensics expert George M. Garner Jr. wrote and compiled a special version of what he calls his "Forensic Acquisition Utilities" (based in part on the UnxUtils version of 'dd'; http://unxutils.sourceforge.net and others) which will run on Win 2000, Win XP or a Microsoft .Net server. The "conv=noerror" switch will definitely function correctly with this program; which contains more options than you would ever need for making a data recovery image file! It will, however, require you to learn a slightly different command syntax than that of the standard Linux/UNIX 'dd'. Drive references are: where N=the drive number (0, 1, 2 etc.) and the is used to refer to the "local machine" against others in a network or where X=the Logical drive letter. As an example, here's the command for testing a damaged floppy diskette (as we did above) from a Win2000 DOS-box prompt:
dd if=\\.\A: of=ddtest.bin bs=512 conv=noerror --log=out.txt
where the --log switch allows you to save all the output that would normally be displayed on the screen to a specified filename (and his program outputs some very useful data about the drive it is copying!). You can find his work which is still in progress (at this time here:
http://users.erols.com/gmgarner/forensics ( the DD binary is included in a large archive with the source code and MANY other files. To use it, you must extract the 5 files: dd.exe, getopt.dll, zlibU.dll, md5lib.dll and md5sum.exe from the archive — the last 3 files are required because MD5 sums have been integrated into the program's options. Your system will also need to have: msvcr70.dll and msvcp70.dll which are also included in the distribution if needed ). Here's a copy of two logfiles from a recent tests I've performed; copying logical partitions to another drive as image files.
NOTE: Mr. Garner's programs are still in beta test at this time and may still have some serious 'bugs' in them. I've already been using his DD on a Win2k box, so you might like to try it out yourself. If you really need a program to copy a drive with damaged sectors to an image file or another drive, and know nothing about Linux, this might be exactly what you need. However, you must agree to the disclaimers included in the archive which include but are not limited to the following: WARNING: THIS RELEASE IS INTENDED FOR TESTING AND EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY. DO NOT USE THIS RELEASE ON A "PRODUCTION SYSTEM". BACKUP ALL VALUABLE DATA ON THE SUBJECT SYSTEM BEFORE USING THIS TOOL ON THAT SYSTEM. Make sure to read the "ReadMe.htm" file under the /DD folder. ]


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