Re: Firewall


что это такое и как его дисаблить?


> что это такое
Google знает:
Definitions of Firewall on the Web:
A firewall is a set of related programs, located at a network gateway server, that protects the resources of a private network from users from other networks. Basically, a firewall, working closely with a router program, filters all network packets to determine whether to forward them toward their destination. A firewall is often installed away from the rest of the network so that no incoming request can get directly at private network resources. There are a number of firewall screening methods. A simple one is to screen requests to make sure they come from acceptable (previously identified) domain names and IP addresses. For mobile users, firewalls allow remote access in to the private network by the use of secure logon procedures and authentication certificates.
A combination hardware and software buffer that many companies or organizations have in place between their internal networks and the Internet. A firewall allows only specific kinds of messages from theInternet to flow in and out of the internal network. This protects the internal network from intruders or hackers who might try to use the Internet to break into those systems.
A combination of hardware and software that secures access to and from the LAN . There are three main types of firewall architecture; Stateful Inspection, Proxy based and Packet Filtering, whereby the former provides the highest level of access control. Firewalls can also be used to secure internal network resources from internal network users too. See Also: Network, LAN Go to top
A network configuration, usually both hardware and software, that forms a fortress between networked computers within an organization and those outside the organization. It is commonly used to protect information such as a network's e-mail and data files within a physical building or organization site. The area within the firewall is called the demilitarized zone, or DMZ. Often, a single machine in the DMZ is allowed access to both internal and external computers. The computer in the DMZ is directly interacting with the Internet, so strict security measures on it are required.
A system or combination of systems that enforces a boundary between two or more networks. Gateway that limits access between networks in accordance with local security policy. The typical firewall is an inexpensive micro-based Unix box kept clean of critical data, with many modems and public network ports on it, but just one carefully watched connection back to the rest of the cluster.
A system designed to protect a computer network from unauthorized access, especially via the Internet. Both the House and Senate maintain strong firewalls to ensure that congressional data -- both on and off the Internet -- remains safe. Back to top
A security device built into many Internet servers. Firewalls help prevent unauthorized activity on the server. Programs that charge a fee (for example, the Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition) generally have a firewall that prevents access unless you enter an authorized username and password. On networks, firewalls are used to prevent Internet users from accessing files other than public internet material. Firewall also referrs to a class of software that can be installed on computers that use cable modems or DSL. These communication systems are "always on" so it is possible that someone else on the Internet can malaciously access your computer. The must popular (free) software firewall is Zone Alarm.
A combination of hardware and software, used to protect a network from unwelcome traffic. A firewall can be used to separate a LAN into two or more parts, or to control network traffic. Content exclusive to SBC Yahoo! is referred to as "within the firewall," which means that non-members cannot access it. Back to Top
A device that interfaces the network to the outside world and shields the network from unauthorized users. The firewall does this by blocking certain types of traffic. For example, some firewalls permit only electronic mail traffic to enter the network from elsewhere. This helps protect the network against attacks made to other network resources, such as sensitive files, databases, and applications.
A method of protecting one network from another network. A firewall blocks unwanted access to the protected network while giving the protected network access to networks outside of the firewall. A company will typically install a firewall to give users access to the internet while protecting their internal information.
—A method of guarding a private network by analyzing the data leaving and entering. Firewalls can also provide network address translation, so the IP addresses of computers inside the firewall stay hidden from view. Packet-filtering firewalls use rules based on a packet’s source, destination, port or other basic information to determine whether or not to allow it into the network. More advanced stateful packet filtering firewalls have access to more information from which to make their decisions. Proxy firewalls, which look at content and can involve authentication and encryption, can be more flexible and secure but also tend to be far slower. Although firewalls are difficult to configure correctly, security experts generally agree that they are a critical component of network security
A term for any device that would prevent undesirables on the global Internet from getting at your or your company's network. It also often prevents or controls users from getting out


сори конечно, но даже ясновидцам и экстрасенсам, которые, возможно, читают этот форум, не мешало бы знать:
1. какая у тебя винда?
2. о каком файрволе идет речь?
могу только предположить, что у тебя XP SP2 со встроенным и включенном по умолчанию брандмауэром; в таком случае идешь сюда:
Settings->Control Panel->Windows Firewall. дальше, надеюсь, разберешься.
а потом идешь сюда:
Settings->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services и отрубаешь сервис SecurityCenter(и ставишь Startup type в disabled).
если у тебя что-то другое, то напиши об этом.
и вообще, народ, ну научитесь наконец задавать вопросы!


ну, винду ты угадал, как ни странно
а вот по поводу второго вопроса, см первый пост.


а как по русски "сервис SecurityCenter" - не могу найти
Это не центр обеспечения безопасности?


он самый


хз, наверное он.


и вообще, народ, ну научитесь наконец задавать вопросы!


и еще - в случае первого SP как отключить?


а разве есть такой


Секьюрити Центр есть только в SP2.


он вроде не включен по умолчанию. хотя хз, я могу и ошибаться, не помню уже. короче. лезешь в свойства подключения по LAN, закладка Advanced. И там смотришь, что-то типа "Protect My Computer...". если стоит - снимаешь ее, ну или настраиваешь этот файрвол. Но только лучше, если он нужен, задизэйблить этот и поставить какой-нибудь нормальный.


зато файрвол есть во всех XP. хз, включен ли он по умолчанию в SP1, не помню.
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