Nero. Опции Track-At-Once, Disk-At-Once, Disk-At-Once/96.


Что значат данные опции?
Речь идет о записи Audio CD, Nero


ТАО - пишет одну сессию за раз. Каталог в конце диска. Если диск не забит до конца, можно еще что-нибудь дописать. Но я не знаю, получится ли дописывать аудио-дорожки.
DAO, DAO/96 - Пишет сразу весь диск, каталог в начале. Позволяет делать Овербёрн. Не позволяет продолжать диск, т.е. сколько записал, столько записал... В чем различие между последними двумя форматами - понятия не имею


96 лучше использовать вроде, если будешь читать на старых приводах
в чем преимущества, который просто DAO - не представляю
может быть в поддержке дисков >650 mb


а разве DAO96 это не аналог оверберна для приводов , которые не потдерживают оверберн в режиме DAO?


Спасибо, одну болванку все же умудрился запороть


Аудио-болванки можно писать TAO(это так, в порядке информации у меня во время оно был драйв, который DAO вообще не умел юзать =)


Не надо "ля-ля". Писал аудиодиски и track at once, и disk at once. И те и другие замечательно играются на бытовом плеере.


Q: What's DAO-96?
A: "RAW DAO-96" refers to a method for writing "raw" 2352 byte sectors with 96 bytes of associated P-W subcode channel data (section (2-6. This is useful for copying discs with CD+G, CD-Text, and certain forms of copy protection. "DAO" refers to its use in combination with disc-at-once recording.
There's also "RAW DAO-94", which is the same as DAO-96 except that the two bytes of Q channel CRC data are always generated by the recorder, and "RAW DAO-16", which includes only the P-Q subcode channels.


Q: What's the difference between disc-at-once and track-at-once?
A: There are two basic ways of writing to a CD-R. Disc-at-once (DAO) writes the entire CD in one pass, possibly writing multiple tracks. The entire burn must complete without interruption, and no further information may be added.
Track-at-once (TAO) allows the writes to be done in multiple passes. There is a minimum track length of 300 blocks (600K for typical data CDs and a maximum of 99 tracks per disc, as well as a slight additional overhead associated with stopping and restarting the laser.
Because the laser is turned off and on for every track, the recorder leaves a couple of blocks between tracks, called run-out and run-in blocks. If done correctly, the blocks will be silent and usually unnoticeable. CDs with tracks that run together will have a barely noticeable "hiccup". Some combinations of software and hardware may leave junk in the gap, resulting in a slight but annoying click between tracks. Some drives and/or software packages may not let you control the size of the gap between audio tracks when recording in track-at-once mode, leaving you with 2-second gaps even if the original didn't have them.
Many recorders, starting with the venerable Philips CDD2000, allow "session-at-once" (SAO) recording. This gives you disc-at-once control over the gaps between tracks, but allows you to leave the disc open. This can be handy when writing CD Extra discs (see section (3-14.
There are some cases where disc-at-once recording is required. For example, it may be difficult or impossible to make identical backup copies of some kinds of discs without using disc-at-once mode (e.g. copy-protected PC games). Also, some CD mastering plants may not accept discs recorded in track-at-once mode, because the gaps between tracks will show up as uncorrectable errors.
The bottom line is that disc-at-once recording gives you more control over disc creation, especially for audio CDs, but isn't always appropriate or necessary. It's a good idea to get a recorder that supports both disc-at-once and track-at-once recording.
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