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Linux Licensing


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Boston - Fans of open source software have been buzzing since Linus Torvalds, creator of the popular Linux operating system, indicated he wouldn't adopt a new version of the license under which Linux is distributed. Torvalds' opinion matters because his program is by far the most popular open source program in the world.
The new version of the GNU General Public License, or GPLv3 as it is known, was authored by Free Software Foundation founder Richard Stallman and adds new restrictions to the license. Torvalds isn't crazy about the new rules but says he still might sign on if changes are made.
In an interview via e-mail with Forbes, Torvalds discusses GPLv3, digital rights management and sharks with laser beams.
Forbes: Where do you stand on the GPLv3?
Torvalds: Well, the thing is, there currently is no final GPLv3, there's just a first draft. That first draft is unacceptable to me, but that doesn't mean we can't come to some agreement. Now, the FSF and I tend to have very different priorities, so such an agreement is not guaranteed. But it's definitely not out of the question either.
So you are leaving the door open?
Hey, I'm flexible. Some people call it being indecisive, but personally, I think it's a sign of intelligence when a person is able to change his mind when circumstances change. So I always leave the door open, even if it's just a crack.
What changes would have to be made for you to adopt GPLv3?
Just to explain the fundamental issue: To me, the GPL really boils down to "I give out code, I want you to do the same." The thing that makes me not want to use the GPLv3 in its current form is that it really tries to move more toward the "software freedom" goals. For example, the GPLv2 in no way limits your use of the software. If you're a mad scientist, you can use GPLv2'd software for your evil plans to take over the world ("Sharks with lasers on their heads!" and the GPLv2 just says that you have to give source code back. And that's OK by me. I like sharks with lasers. I just want the mad scientists of the world to pay me back in kind. I made source code available to them, they have to make their changes to it available to me. After that, they can fry me with their shark-mounted lasers all they want.
This is where the GPLv3 diverges. It limits how you can use the software. You still have to give source code back, but it crimps the style of mad scientists everywhere by also putting restrictions on the use of the source code. You cannot install it on your hardware (laser-equipped shark or otherwise) without also making sure that others can install another version. And that's my gripe. From where I'm standing, [the GPLv3] says that you suddenly can't use the software in certain "evil ways" (where evil is defined by the FSF--it doesn't actually cover the James Bond kind of evil, but if you can see Richard Stallman as a less dashing James Bond, it would be that kind of evil).
How would GPLv3 control the way people use software?
If you have a device that has software in it (and most devices do, these days the FSF wants normal users to be able to upgrade that software. Now, sometimes it's simply not technically possible. But sometimes the software can be upgraded, but the hardware limits it on purpose so that the owner of the hardware cannot do so--only the vendor can. I think that's pretty nasty myself. I much prefer things that can be fixed. However, I don't think that's part of my GPLv2 contract. I'd rather vote with my personal choices (and my dollars) than by trying to make my software be a "weapon of mass opinion." And I just care a lot more about some things than I do about others (I would refuse to buy a computer that I can't replace the OS on, but a dishwasher or a DVR? Not a huge deal to me). Another way of saying the same thing: I don't want to make my software be "activist." I try to make it technically as good as possible and let that part speak for itself. I don't want it to make politics.
You seem to disagree with Free Software Foundation on the issue of digital rights management. Can you explain?
A lot of commercial companies want to do some really bad things with DRM. So people dislike DRM and want to make it harder to do. But the silly thing is that DRM really is just technology, and like most everything else, the badness comes not from the technology, but from what you use it for. There are actually valid uses of the exact-same technology, even if it ends up being called something different ("privacy rights," "security," what-not).
What are a few examples of valid uses?
The actual technology is exactly the same technology that allows you to encrypt your "dear diary," where you tell your diary all your most secret fears and all the heinous thoughts you had that you would never act out, but that you don't want people to even know you thought. At that point, it's not DRM anymore, it's privacy. See? It's technically pretty much the same thing. It's just what you use it for, and it goes under different names. The basic technology is about encryption, public and private keys and so on.
How much chance is there that the FSF will change the GPLv3 enough to get you to adopt the new license?
I'm sure changes will be made. The fact that the FSF and I have some fundamentally different views of what the GPLv2 was all about makes me worry that we won't find a good agreement on the next version. But I certainly can't put a likelihood on it. It's certainly not impossible, but it's also not a slam dunk.
Are you participating in the GPLv3 process?
No, I'm not actively involved. And it's not so much because I couldn't be, it's more because I just can't find it in me to care too deeply. I'm the kind of person who hates office politics. I'm pretty happy with the GPLv2, and I just don't have the motivation or inclination to start talking to lawyers. I'm a programmer. I worry about kernel bugs.


что такое DRM?


"digital rights management"
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