Вытащить видео и звук из OGM и всунуть в MKV
Ogg/Ogm file. Will try to continue.
Warning: ogm_reader: Could not find the next Ogg page. This indicates a damaged
Ogg/Ogm file. Will try to continue.
И как и говорит, бьет индексы -> видео нормально смотреть нельзя.
Попробуй последнюю.
оригинал при этом смотрится нормально?
а дальше mkvtoolnix
Вот такую ошибку VirtualDubMod 1.5.10 выдаёт :
Input files :
- [F:\Video\Mult\Futurama\Season 5\15 - Bender should not be allowed on TV.ogm]
---== Video stream ==---
Source : [Input Ogg Media File]
Description : Video stream
Length : 00:21:39.960
Video stream
Header Size : 56 bytes
Type : [video]
SubType : [XVID]
BufferSize : 176814 bytes
Time Unit : 400000
SamplesPerUnit : 1
Default Len : 1
BitsPerSample : 24
Width : 704 pixels
Height : 512 pixels
SampleRate : 25.000
Stream report for file "F:\Video\Mult\Futurama\Season 5\15 - Bender should not be allowed on TV.ogm"
Some problems have been encountered while parsing the stream :
Information about Packet 0 in Page at byte 11260799 (00:00:17.080) has been corrected.
Now containing 1 samples instead of 5919724.
Information about Packet 0 in Page at byte 97564282 (00:09:20.720) has been corrected.
Now containing 4 samples instead of 6312.
Information about Packet 0 in Page at byte 131800767 (00:13:09.520) has been corrected.
Now containing 3 samples instead of 4294967295.
Information about Packet 0 in Page at byte 151223942 (00:15:17.480) has been corrected.
Now containing 2 samples instead of 3867562236.
---== Other stream ==---
Source : [Ogg Media File]
Description : OGM audio stream 1 [Vorbis], 2ch, 48000Hz, 160.0kbps
Length : 00:21:40.051
Vorbis stream
Vorbis information :
Version : 0
Channels : 2
SampleRate : 48000
BitRate Lower : -1 bps
BitRate Nominal : 160000 bps
BitRate Upper : -1 bps
BitRate Window : 0
Stream report for file "F:\Video\Mult\Futurama\Season 5\15 - Bender should not be allowed on TV.ogm"
Some problems have been encountered while parsing the stream :
Information about Packet 0 in Page at byte 126396567 (00:12:34.040) has been corrected.
Now containing 14528 samples instead of 576.
---== Ogg Media File Import filter report ==---
Source file : [F:\Video\Mult\Futurama\Season 5\15 - Bender should not be allowed on TV.ogm]
Some bytes have been skipped in the file due to corrupted data :
4379 bytes starting at byte 718159 (00:00:03.320)
4379 bytes starting at byte 11234525 (00:00:17.080)
4169 bytes starting at byte 97547043 (00:09:20.720)
4164 bytes starting at byte 126294347 (00:12:33.520)
4269 bytes starting at byte 131792119 (00:13:09.520)
4338 bytes starting at byte 151197825 (00:15:17.480)
Оставить комментарий
+ добавить туда ещё одну звук дорожку.С помощью каких прог можно ?
Зы. просто мне это контейнер ogm не нравится