Miranda v0.3.3.1
Ну, чтобы icq.hackers и icq.local одновременно работали?
Скопировать файл .dat

Получится окошко, в котором можно завести новый профиль. Или нет?
ну в принципе да... а можно две дллки сотворить (одну переименовать по адски) и тогда две аськи будут в одном окне.... правда там своя заморочка будет...

Я привык к Ctrl+Enter
а там по умолчанию Enter
раньше тоже по enter'у отправлялись, но я вылечил в настройках
щас дат"ник тот же, но версия новее, не смог найти
(а я всегда пользовался отправкой по enter, и даже ничего не заметил

всего лишь я туплю

а глюк с тем, что нового пользователя видно в оффлайне уже исправили? (ICQ)
наблюдается, что она не правильно отображает статус
я вон спокойно с оффлайном разговариваю
например, если оба юзера находятся в локалке
Оставить комментарий
ftp://lain.local/software/progz/network_internet/[messengers]/[miranda]/Release v0.3.3.1 (24/04/2004 06:22:16)
- Issues caused by deleting a contact while events were queued
- Proxy support was broken
- Minor size issue with custom button control
- AIM: Groupchat log to file respects time/date stamp option
- AIM: Groupchat log sometimes became full
- ICQ: Could crash when receiving unicode messages
- IRC: Removed textlimit for the channel log
- IRC: Server edit box did not resize properly
- IRC: An extra new line was added to the message history when sending on double enter.
- IRC: Not all that should could use the chan. manager
- IRC: /clear [#channel|server] did not clear the server correctly
- IRC: Channels with password were cloned in the "join channel" dialog
- IRC: The channel event icons flashed too often
- IRC: The message headers' text was cut off
- IRC: The popups for highlight could not be turned off
- IRC: Crash when doubleclicking empty space in the nick list
- IRC: 12 am is not 0 am
- IRC: The kick event used the color for part
- Jabber: Non-latin password incorrect in <digest/> mode
- Jabber: "Open File" button not working correctly after successfully received a file
- Jabber: Forbid messages from the future
- Jabber: Chatroom subject cannot be set
- MSN: Rarely occurred GPF fixed during file transfers;
- MSN: MSN gateway access without a proxy breaks connections when 'user-is-typing' messages are transferred first.
- MSN: MSN server closes connection if a PNG command is send to a switchboard thread
- MSN: PNG command is not send when a proxy exists.
- SRMM: Send to multiple list respects the contact list "Hide Empty Groups" setting
- SRMM: New lines weren't always shown from some clients
- AIM: Try last known working server if connection to AIM fails
- AIM: Added smileyadd support to aim groupchat
- AIM: Groupchat invites are now added as a clist event (tray flash, no autopopup)
- IRC: Redesigned most dialogs
- IRC: Moved all icons to an external .dll to allow icon packs etc
- IRC: New icons
- IRC: Removed all default sounds
- IRC: Added quick setup dialogs for newbies, and to work better with the installer
- Jabber: Use disco in agents dialog and fall back to jabber:iq:agents as needed
- Jabber: Smileyadd support in groupchat windows
- SRMM: Added option to see user is typing notifications with no window open