конкурс/тендер логотипа FreeBSD

Historically, we used a daemon character as mascot [1], and put it on
our web site with "FreeBSD" text like as logo. This character
sometimes treated with misunderstanding in the religious and cultural
And this daemon character seems cute from somebody's point of view,
but somebody may think which does not suit for the professional
products to indicate that are using the FreeBSD inside.
So, we decide to call for a new logo design which is identifiable, can
be used on the professional products, and is very cool :-)
[1] http://www.freebsd.org/copyright/daemon.html

вот бы еще openbsd logo поменяли бы, а то из их лого самое паршивое.
А это как понимать ?
This is the future site for the FreeBSD logo competiton which is meant to create a new logo for the FreeBSD Project to supplement the current Beastie mascot. Despite an early draft announcement that got out we are not quite ready for the logos yet. Please watch this space and the freebsd-announce mailing list for more information in the near future.
© 2005 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved.
Contact: <logo-FreeBSD.org>

Это значит, что я слишком рано линк заанонсил.
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