VPN connection with PAP authentication in MAC OS
up + subj
Try 10.3.4 or later
one more question: Is it possible to download MAC OS X 10.3.4 or 10.4 from MSU local network ? if it is can you give me a link ? because i've found nothing by searching via lorien.local.
i can try to download update for you. which platform you have? (Apple | Intel | PPC)...

http://search.local for 'tiger-xiso', dude. If you find something, the shit is 10.4.
Try to search at Оставить комментарий
Hi everyone !I've got the following problem when trying to configure a VPN connection in MAC OS X 10.3
Our server requires PPTP connection with PAP authentication method without encryption.
But there is no options on the VPN configuring panel in MAC OS X 10.3 to choose PAP instead of CHAP or something and I don't know where to tell the computer that we don't need encryption.
thanks for helps.
p.s. i'm not english-native speaker so there may be some mistakes in my post