FreeBSD 5.3 BETA3
Жду исошника.
5.3-BETA3-i386-bootonly.iso 40861696 Mon Sep 6 16:47:36 2004
5.3-BETA3-i386-disc1.iso 679378944 Mon Sep 6 17:00:17 2004
5.3-BETA3-i386-disc2.iso 321486848 Mon Sep 6 17:05:14 2004
5.3-BETA3-i386-miniinst.iso 299139072 Mon Sep 6 17:10:32 2004
контрольные суммы берите с официального сайта
5.3-BETA4-i386-bootonly.iso 21135360 Tue Sep 14 14:09:27 2004
5.3-BETA4-i386-disc1.iso 658767872 Tue Sep 14 14:33:15 2004
5.3-BETA4-i386-disc2.iso 304021504 Tue Sep 14 15:38:59 2004
5.3-BETA4-i386-miniinst.iso 269287424 Tue Sep 14 15:48:08 2004
CHECKSUM.MD5 270 Tue Sep 14 15:49:02 2004
5.3-BETA5-i386-bootonly.iso 21233664 Mon Sep 20 10:55:00 2004
5.3-BETA5-i386-disc1.iso 642678784 Mon Sep 20 11:26:09 2004
5.3-BETA5-i386-disc2.iso 304414720 Mon Sep 20 11:40:36 2004
5.3-BETA5-i386-miniinst.iso 269615104 Mon Sep 20 12:02:05 2004
CHECKSUM.MD5 270 Mon Sep 20 13:30:07 2004
The FreeBSD Release Engineering Team is proud to announce the
availability of FreeBSD 5.3-BETA5. This is the fifth BETA of the 5.3
release cycle. It is intended for early adopters and those wishing to
help find and/or fix bugs. The 5.3 release cycle will continue with
weekly BETA builds while bugs are being fixed and features finalized.
The schedule is at
Be sure to check the "Known issues" below, there are known problems
still being worked on at this time. BIND9 is being imported and will
be part of the 5.3 release. We will add at least one more beta (BETA6)
to accomodate testing. Users of the named daemon should visit the ISC
website for information about migrating to BIND9.
Fixes and Enhancements made since BETA4:
- Updated floppy device driver (testers trying out floppies on your
systems would be appreciated). This fixes a lot of problems with
floppy drives not being probed/attached.
- Fix for panics on certain hardware during boot if no media in the
cdrom drive.
- Change to pf logging format to handle 64-bit time. If updating an
older system remove /var/log/pflog before restarting pf.
- Many more scheduler fixes, we encourage testers to turn PREEMPTION on.
- Many fixes to bpf locking.
- if_re locking added. Problems reported with jumbo frames, fix being
- debug.witness_watch moved to (old name left but
- Fix to GBDE key management. If you have specified 4 keys or fewer,
you will need to dump your data, re-run gbde init, and restore your
- Add if_vge driver
- Fix to rare VM corruption bug on i386/amd64.
- Fix to SCSI sync speed in esp(4) driver.
- Fix timeout problems with ppp over if_xl interface.
- Misc. network stack locking fixes.
- Fix lock order reversal in sound system.
- Support round-robin and verify modes in geom raid3.
- Misc. fixes to usb.
- Misc. mac fixes.
- Fixes to geom_mirror.
- Many updates to docs, including a new 5.3 Migration Guide.
Known issues in this release:
- There are scattered reports of data corruption on SMP systems
under high load. This could be due to a known bug in the gvinum
subsystem, but it could be due to unknown factors. The problem
has been tracked to gvinum and a fix will be in BETA6.
- pst(4) is known to cause a system panic during the boot time.
- The Synaptics Touchpad mouse support is known to have issues with
responsiveness. It can be disabled with 'hint.psm.0.flags="0x200"'
in "/boot/device.hints". This will be resolved for the release.
- There are reports of packet corruption with the nge(1) driver when
the network stack is run without Giant. A fix is being tested.
A complete list of defects that will be fixed for the release can be
found at

5.3-BETA6-i386-bootonly.iso A 21233664 Tue Sep 28 00:09:40 2004
5.3-BETA6-i386-disc1.iso A 675414016 Tue Sep 28 02:56:33 2004
5.3-BETA6-i386-disc2.iso A 632324096 Tue Sep 28 10:46:26 2004
5.3-BETA6-i386-miniinst.iso A 267452416 Tue Sep 28 11:01:32 2004
CHECKSUM.MD5 A 270 Tue Sep 28 00:25:25 2004
The FreeBSD Release Engineering Team is proud to announce the
availability of FreeBSD 5.3-BETA6. This is the sixth BETA of the 5.3
release cycle. It is intended for early adopters and those wishing to
help find and/or fix bugs. The 5.3 release cycle will continue with
weekly BETA builds while bugs are being fixed and features finalized.
The schedule is at
Be sure to check the "Known issues" below, there are known problems
still being worked on at this time.
BIND9 is being imported and will be in the next and likely final beta,
BETA7. Users of the named daemon should visit the ISC website for
information about migrating to BIND9.
Fixes and Enhancements made since BETA5:
- Many USB device updates
- Fix a panic when unloading the if_tap module
- Fix a lock order reversal in the network ioctl code
- Fix a panic with PF
- Fix large UID and GID handling in libarchive
- The PFIL_HOOKS kernel option is now silently enabled by default.
- Various locking fixes to the network stack
- The net.inet.ip.check_interface sysctl is off by default now
- Fix a long-standing panic on i386 and amd64 SMP under extreme load
- Many fixes to gvinum
- The README.html files that are generated for each port are no longer
installed. They can be found on the disc2 live filesystem.
- Fix a rare panic on startup on i386 SMP
- Fix problem with multiple floppy drives all having the name
Known issues in this release
- There are known data corruption issues with gvinum. Fixes are being
tested now.
- There are several problems with the ATA driver that can result in
system hangs at boot and erroneous disk failures. Fixes for these
are being tested now and will be in the next BETA.
- Detaching a USB Hub device, including many keyboards and monitors,
will trigger a panic. The fix for this is being tested and will be
in the next BETA.
- The Synaptics Touchpad mouse support is known to have issues with
responsiveness. It can be disabled with 'hint.psm.0.flags="0x200"'
in "/boot/device.hints". This will be resolved for the release.
- There are reports of packet corruption with the nge(1) driver when
the network stack is run without Giant. A fix is being tested.
A complete list of defects that will be fixed for the release can be
found at
Оставить комментарий
Вышла очередная бета версия FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE. Этот релиз является особенным, потому что это начало 5-STABLE ветки. Конечно ему очень далеко до 4-STABLE по стабильности, но это вопрос времени. Ведь 4.0 не был так же стабилен как 3.4.Тем не менее разработчики FreeBSD были бы рады видеть как можно больше пользователей в рядах смелых тестеров, которые установят себе эту бету и будут подробно описывать все найденные ими проблемы в работе и промахи в документации с помощью утилиты send-pr или в списках рассылки.
В ближайшее время (завтра) я принесу в общагу ISO образы этого релиза. А пока вы можете установить 5.2.1-RELEASE (он есть в сети) и накатить тэг RELENG_5 по CVSup.
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