f you are one of the many people trying to import a CSV file into MySQL using mysqlimport under MS-Windows command/DOS prompt, try the following:
mysqlimport --fields-optionally-enclosed-by=""" --fields-terminated-by=, --lines-terminated-by="\r\n" --user=YOUR_USERNAME --password YOUR_DATABASE YOUR_TABLE.csv
Between quotes " and backslashes \ it can really give you a hard time finding the proper combination under Windows...
I usually run this command from the folder containing the YOUR_TABLE.csv file.
If you have a header in your .csv file with the name of columns or other "junk" in it, just add a --ignore-lines=X to skip the first X lines (i.e. --ignore-lines=1 to skip 1 line)
If your fields are (optionally) enclosed by double-quotes " and which themselves are doubled inside a value (i.e. a double double-quote "" = 1 double-quote ") then also use --fields-escaped-by=\ (default) and NOT --fields-escaped-by="""
да, способов перевода из CVS нашел много. А сразу из access пркатически ничего.
все равно же придется в какой-то промежуточный формат выгружать
да не - нашел кучу прог котор открывают файл формата Аксесс и загоняют все таблицы разом в MySQL на сервак. однако все платные..
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