Releasing the Source Code for the .NET Framework Libraries
The source code is released under a new license they are calling the Microsoft Reference License, this is not an open source license.
Mono's policy on contributions continues to be the same that we have had over the years: if you have seen Microsoft .NET source code in any shape or form (soure code, decompilers, through NDAs or research licenses you will not be able to contribute patches to the Mono implementation.url
Человек читает исходник, закрывает его, и своими словами пересказывает разработчику что кусок кода делал.
Вроде как раз лицензионные проблемы так решались.
opensourc'ного аналога WindowsЛинух? Тот то они все пугают на них в суд подать.

ReactOS, а не линух. Жаль, что он до сих пор не в юзабельном состоянии.

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One of the things my team has been working to enable has been the ability for .NET developers to download and browse the source code of the .NET Framework libraries, and to easily enable debugging support in them.Today I'm excited to announce that we'll be providing this with the .NET 3.5 and VS 2008 release later this year.
We'll begin by offering the source code (with source file comments included) for the .NET Base Class Libraries (System, System.IO, System.Collections, System.Configuration, System.Threading, System.Net, System.Security, System.Runtime, System.Text, etc ASP.NET (System.Web Windows Forms (System.Windows.Forms ADO.NET (System.Data XML (System.Xml and WPF (System.Windows). We'll then be adding more libraries in the months ahead (including WCF, Workflow, and LINQ). The source code will be released under the Microsoft Reference License (MS-RL).
You'll be able to download the .NET Framework source libraries via a standalone install (allowing you to use any text editor to browse it locally). We will also provide integrated debugging support of it within VS 2008.