[*nix] amaroK 1.2 released
наверное, глупый вопрос, умет ли амарок работать без arts? (гномовского тоже ничего нет)
Умеет. Через gstreamer.
Кстати, gstreamer - очень хорошая вещь. Если он и дальше будет так развиваться, то мы получим весьма качественыый стандартный media framework( GStreamer-engine

клёво, через gstreamer играет
вот только flac играть отказывается...
upd: разобрался, всё играет

но то, что во время этого процесса он перестал валицца - это факт
и вообще, 1.2 намного меньше стал падать
кстати, улучшили поддержку прозрачности в осд
зы в 1.2 у кого нить получалось скрипты запускать?
в разных бетах 1.2 они у меня работали, а как тока обновил до 1.2 какие то крестики красные слева от названий стали рисовацца...
Changes relative to version 1.2:
* FIX: Made the Tag-Editor only operate on visible items. (BR 100268)
* ADD: Database settings added to the first-run wizard.
* FIX: playlist2html generates UTF-8 output now. (BR 100140)
* FIX: Bitrate/length showed random values for untagged mp3 files. (BR 100200)
* FIX: Crash when recoding stream MetaData without CODEC selected. (BR 100077)
* CHG: Show an additional "Compilations with Artist" box in ContextBrowser.
* ADD: Remember collapse-state of boxes in ContextBrowser. (BR 98664)
* ADD: Display an error when unable to connect to MySQL.
* ADD: Konqueror Sidebar now has full drag and drop support.
* CHG: Replaced "Blue Wolf" icon with Nenad Grujicic's amaroK 1.1 icon, due to legal issues.
* ADD: Parameter "%score" shows the current song's score in OSD.
* CHG: When you delete a song within amaroK, it gets removed from the Collection automatically.
* FIX: Directory column in the playlist was eating the first letter.
* ADD: New DCOP call "playlist: setStopAfterCurrent(bool)". (BR 99944)
* FIX: Coverfetcher: Do not crash when no cover was found. (BR 99942)
* FIX: Support for amazon.co.jp was broken.
* CHG: Toolbar items reordered for optimal usability, as suggested by Aaron "Tom Green" Seigo.
* FIX: Show covers for albums containing chars '#' or '?'. (BR 96971 99780)
* ADD: Help file for the playlist2html script.
* ADD: New DCOP call "playlist: int getActiveIndex".
* ADD: New DCOP call "playlist: playByIndex(int)".
* CHG: Upgraded internal SQLite database to 3.1.3.
* FIX: Update the database after editing tags in playlist. (BR 99593)
* ADD: New DCOP function "player: trackPlayCounter". (BR 99575)
* ADD: .ram playlist support with code from Kaffeine. (BR 96101)
* FIX: amaroK can now determine the correct track-length even for formats unknown to TagLib. Makes it possible to seek e.g. in m4a tracks.
* ADD: Can now pick from multiple Musicbrainz results. Patch from Jonathan Halcrow
* ADD: May now set a custom cover on multiple albums in the Cover-Manager.
* ADD: Support relative path of tracks in writing playlists. (BR 91053)
* FIX: Don't inline-edit tags for the whole playlist's selection.
* FIX: Fix "Recode Tags" crash issues. (BR 95041) can fetch remote images. (BR 90499)
* ADD: "Set Custom Cover" can fetch remote images. (BR 90499)
кстати, исправлен баг с кодировками, который наблюдался тока в 1.2
ChangeLog relative to version 1.2.2:
* Graphequalizer script can now enable and disable the equalizer.
* New DCOP call "player: equalizerEnabled" returns whether or not the equalizer is enabled.
* OSD notification for mute.
* Mute global shortcut, Win+M.
* Add %comment token for comment display in OSD. (BR 100944)
* View/Edit track entry into context menus of ContextBrowser and CollectionBrowser.
* You can mark/unmark albums as compilations via CollectionBrowser's right-click contextmenu.
* New DCOP call "collection: query(const QString& sql)". Allows to make arbitrary queries on the Collection database.
* New DCOP call "playlist: removeCurrentTrack". (BR 92973)
* Show "Artist - Title" for compilation discs in CollectionBrowser and ContextBrowser.
* Upgraded internal SQLite database to 3.2.0.
* DCOP call saveCurrentPlaylist now returns the path to current.xml.
* Apriate context menu entry for changing queue status for multiple playlist items.
* Fix regression preventing dequeuing multiple selected tracks.
* 'Show Toolbar' remembers its settings between sessions. (BR 98662)
* When doing Musicbrainz lookup from the Context browser, search for the real track, not the whole album.
* Memleak when a radio stream stalled. (BR 102047)
* The Collection Scan finally checks for the right file modification time.
* Adding a compilation disc from ContextBrowser was broken.
* GStreamer-engine: Reduced the gap when switching to next track without crossfading.
* GStreamer-engine: amaroK was swallowing the beginning of a track when Fade-in was set to zero. (BR 94472)
* Use a better highlight color in the "Configure Collection" dialog. (BR 102059)
* "Remove Duplicates / Missing" fixed. Removes dead entries correctly.
* Fix units for samplerate. (BR 101528)
* amaroK using 100% CPU on some systems. (BR 101524) (a KHTML bug which got exposed by code in amaroK 1.2.2)
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# Full support for Audioscrobbler! Share your music taste with friends on the net.
# Generate dynamic playlists based on Audioscrobbler suggestions.
# Support for MySQL databases. Now you can keep your Collection on a remote computer.
# The playlist has seen vast speed improvements.
# 10-band graphic Equalizer.
# Many usability improvements. We have made amaroK more accessible to new users and more comfortable for power-users.
# Automatic song lyrics display. Shows the lyrics to the song you're currently playing.
# Support for your iPod with the all new media-browser.
# On screen display has been revamped, now with optional translucency.
# Theme your ContextBrowser with custom CSS support.
# Support for the latest LibVisual library for stunning visualizations.
# Great new amaroK icon "Blue Wolf", made by KDE artist Da-Flow.
# Powerful scripting interface, allowing for easy extension of amaroK.
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