переразбил винт, теперь винда вылетает
а файловая система NTFS? переразбей винт заново из винды, линух не дружит с NTFS, там кажется поддежка её до сих пор экспериментальная...
да и то только на чтение, и с шаманскими плясками
не, NTFS читается уже давно, года 2-3 минимум, а вот поддержка записи на NTFS разделы ещё экспериментальная (да и навряд ли когда нить будет неэкспериментальной, если тока MS вдруг спецификации не откроет %
у меня два винта: положим hdd1 & hdd2
на hdd1 стоят все мои оси
а hdd2 я решил переразбить (раньше на нем тоже винда стояла, были фатовские и ntfs-ные разделы) и использовать для данных - сделал два раздела ext3
и вылетает не линух, а винда

отлично читается!
а в bootlog-e что?

ну у тебя ж винда в сэйф моуд грузится, дык ты включи бутлог (при загрузке) и позырь, на чем ебошится
сейчас попробую найти
вот короче
у меня, видимо, западные сайты сейчас не грузятся

кстати, в меню по f8 либо безоп. режим, либо с "протоколированием" - как их вместе загрузить?

сейчас переразбил как было - все заработало
Article ID:315396
Last Review:January 5, 2005
This article was previously published under Q315396
On This Page
This article describes general procedures that you can use to troubleshoot startup problems in Windows 2000.
A successful Windows 2000 startup consists of the following four phases:
•Initial phase
•Boot loader phase
•Kernel phase
•Logon phase
If a problem occurs during one of these phases, Windows may not start correctly and you may experience one of the following issues:
•The computer stops responding (hangs).
•You receive an error message.
If a startup problem occurs after you click Microsoft Windows 2000 on either the boot loader menu or when you receive the "Please select the operating system to start" message, files that are required by the operating system may be missing or damaged. Windows 2000 provides a variety of options that you can use to troubleshoot this issue, including safe mode, Recovery Console, and an Emergency Repair disk.
[/url]How to Start the Computer Using the Last Known Good ConfigurationIf the startup problem occurs immediately after you make a change to the computer (for example, if you install a new driver try to start the computer by using the Last Known Good Configuration feature.
When you use the Last Known Good Configuration feature, you start your computer by using the most recent settings that worked. This feature restores registry information and driver settings that were in effect the last time the computer started successfully. Use this feature when you are unable to start Windows after you make a change to the computer (for example, if you install or upgrade a device driver).
To start the computer by using last known good configuration, follow these steps:
1.Restart the computer.
2.Press F8 when you receive the following message:
Please select the operating system to start
3.In Windows Advanced Option Menu[/b], use the arrow keys to select Last Known Good Configuration[/b], and then press ENTER.
4.If you are running other operating systems on the computer, click Microsoft Windows 2000 from the list that is displayed, and then press ENTER.
WARNING: After you start your computer by using the last known good configuration, changes that you made since the last successful startup are lost.
If you can start your computer by using the last known good configuration, the last change that you made to the computer (for example, the installation of a driver) may be the cause of the incorrect startup behavior. It is recommended that you either remove or update the driver or program, and then test Windows for proper startup.
[/url]How to Start the Computer in Safe ModeWhen you start the computer in safe mode, only essential drivers and computer services are loaded. You can use safe mode when you need to identify and resolve problems that are caused by either faulty drivers, programs, or services that start automatically.
If the computer starts in safe mode but it does not start in normal mode, the computer may have a conflict with either the hardware settings or the resources. There may be incompatibilities with either programs, services, or drivers, or there may be registry damage. In safe mode, you can disable or remove a program, service, or device driver that may be preventing the computer from starting normally.
To troubleshoot startup problems in safe mode, follow these steps:
1.Restart the computer.
2.Press F8 when you receive the following message:
Please select the operating system to start
3.In Windows Advanced Option Menu[/b], use the arrow keys to select Safe Mode, and then press ENTER.
4.If you are running other operating systems on the computer, click Microsoft Windows 2000 on the list that is displayed, and then press ENTER.
5.Do one of the following steps:
•If the computer does not start in safe mode, check for possible hardware problems such as defective devices, installation problems, cabling problems, or connector problems. Remove any newly added hardware, and then restart the computer to see if the problem is resolved.
•If the computer starts in safe mode, proceed to the next section to continue to troubleshoot the startup issue.
[/url]How to Use Event Viewer to Identify the Cause of the Startup ProblemView the event logs in Event Viewer for additional information that may help you to identify and diagnose the cause of the startup problem. To view events recorded to the event logs, follow these steps:
1.Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2.Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Event Viewer.
Alternatively, start Microsoft Management Console (MMC) that contains the Event Viewer snap-in.
3.In the console tree, click to expand Event Viewer, and then click the log that you want to view, for example, System log or Application log.
4.In the details pane, double-click the event that you want to view.
To copy the details of the event, click Copy, open a new document in the program in which you want to paste the event (for example, Microsoft Word and then click Paste on the Edit menu.
5.To view the description of the previous event or the next event, press either the UP ARROW key or the DOWN ARROW key.
For additional information about how to diagnose system problems with Event Viewer, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/302542/EN-US/) How To Diagnose System Problems with Event Viewer in Microsoft Windows 2000 [/url]
[/url]How to Use System Information to Identify the Cause of the Startup ProblemThe System Information tool displays a comprehensive view of the computer's hardware, the system components, and the software environment. Use this tool to help you identify possible problem devices and device conflicts. To do so, follow these steps:
1.Click Start, and then click Run.
2.In the Open box, type msinfo32, and then click OK.
3.Check for problem devices or device conflicts. To do so:
a. In the console tree, click to expand Components, and then click Problem Devices.
Note any devices that are listed in the right pane.
b. In the console tree, click to expand Hardware Resources, and then click Conflicts/Sharing.
Note any resource conflicts that are listed in the right pane.
c. If you identify a problem device, perform the appropriate action (for example, either remove, disable, or reconfigure the device, or update the driver and then restart the computer in normal mode.
You can use Device Manager to remove or disable devices and their drivers. For more information about Device Manager, see the section of this article.
If the computer starts correctly, that particular device may be the cause of the startup problem.
If you disabled a
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было три раздела на втором HDD, которые были видны под win2kя под линухом переразбил винт, и теперь винда вылетает еще до загрузки (до логина) во время "загрузка windows..."
в сейфмоуд грузится, но даже отключение HDD софтварно как устройства не помогает
если из мобайлрэка HDD вынуть - все загружается в нормальном режиме
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