Вышли Mandriva 2006 и Suse 10


В один день были анонсированы два самых знаменитых Linux дистрибутива.
В 3:40:13( ) по CEST Pascal Joly объявил, что для членов Клуба доступен Mandriva Linux 2006.
Вырезка из клубных сообщений:
Mandriva Linux 2006 now available for Club members!
Публикация: pascal_joly, четверг, Октябрь 6 2005 @ 03:40:13 CEST
2006 is the ultimate version of Mandriva Linux. It is the fruit of the convergence of three technologies: Mandriva, Conectiva and Lycoris. Mandriva Linux 2006 is also more easy-to-use, more user-friendly and more powerful. It is ideal for the needs of all customers, from the beginner to the SOHO user.
New features in 2006:
Desktop Search tool, Interactive Firewall, new package manager: Smart, DeltaRPM updates,Auto-installation server (PowerPack+)
Changes in Mandriva Linux 2006:
* New installer feature
* New software: Graphical desktops: KDE 3.4 & GNOME 2.10, Core & main components: Kernel 2.6.12, gcc 4.0, X.org 6.9, glibc 2.3.5, OpenOffice.org 1.1.5, Kolab2 (groupware server Akregator (RSS feed reader Full version third-party products: Opera (web browser Skype(TM) (Voice over IP with free calls Mindawn (online music service Adobe®Reader(TM)7.0, RealPlayer(TM) 10, Flash(TM)Player 7- Improved performance: Boot time reduction
* Better look-and-feel and ergonomics
Hardware and technology support
Wi-Fi and Intel® Centrino(TM) Mobile technology support Mandriva Linux shines on Intel® Centrino(TM) Mobile technology! THE ONLY LINUX DISTRIBUTION CERTIFIED FOR INTEL®CENTRINO(TM)
If you are a Mandriva Club member you can download now! If you are not yet a member of the Club join the club and download now! http://www1.mandrivalinux.com/en/club/
* Standard members get access to the 4 CDs version
* Silver members get access to CDs for Discovery, PowerPack and the live CD, and the DVD edition of the PowerPack
* Gold members and above will get all these versions plus the Powerpack+ version on CD and DVD
All these downloads are now available for i586 and x86-64 platforms via bittorrent, HTTP and private FTP access with dedicated internet bandwith for Club members only!
In addition to an extended choice of software, all 2006 Official versions come with many pre-packaged commercial plugins such as Flash & Java players, NVIDIA and ATI drivers and many others.
To get all the benefits of the Club and to download the brand new Mandriva Linux 2006 join the club and start your downloads now! http://www1.mandrivalinux.com/en/club/
Cheers. The Mandriva Online team.
Michal_Laclavik_58 06/10/2005 16:10:45
Thank you Jesus, finally :-)
koriordan 06/10/2005 16:22:01
Attempting to download now but getting quite a lot of connection problems. I get a lot of FileNotFoundErrors when connecting to tracker, sometimes the tracker is okay, sometimes I only get a dht connection. I can't see any seeders or peers.
(От себя: По ходу дела все сидеры получив то что им надо благополучно смотали удочки, а те что остались, держат 10000мс пинг )
Ну а этот итальянец вообще зарядил :
grimjfoot 06/10/2005 16:25:33
I was waiting for this moment to reinstall my home PC and "port" my wife from win2000 to linux…

В общем ждем местного(ГЗ-ного) релиза на локальном сервере Mandriva.
Я думаю, что это произойдет скоро.
Суся в придачу:
SUSE Linux 10.0, the first product of the recently launched openSUSE project, has been released: "I'm glad to announce the final version (aka the Goldmaster) of SUSE Linux 10.0. Developing 10.0 as part of the openSUSE project with an open Bugzilla was a new and great experience. Thanks a lot to everybody that contributed in testing, reporting and fixing bugs, discussions etc. The mirrors are still downloading all the files and it will take a few days until all are synced. Detailed download instructions can be found here." Read the rest of the release announcement and visit Novell's product page for more information. The SUSE Linux 10.0 CD (Open Source and Retail DVD (Retail) and LiveDVD images are now available for free download from SUSE mirror servers and also via BitTorrent. Here are the usual quick torrent links to installation DVD images for the i386 and x86_64 architectures: SUSE-10.0-EvalDVD-i386-GM.iso (3,454MB SUSE-10.0-EvalDVD-x86_64-GM.iso (3,516MB). Have a lot of fun!
В общем сегодня день удался.


дык это... качать надо:) Мандриву для x86_64 Жду с нитирпенийем


два самых знаменитых Linux дистрибутива.
А как же RedHat?


Кто ж спорит? RedHat тоже входит в их число, НО он не вышел 6 октября, и мы про него корректно забыли.


по данным distrowatch рулит убунту
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