Вопрос: Поставил СП2 и перестала работать сетка..... что делать?
выключи встроенный firewall для начала. а лучше наймите нормального админа.
This article shows how to troubleshoot TCP/IP connectivity between computers on a Windows network. If you haven’t already done so, disable XP’s Internet Connection Firewall on all local area network connections, and remove all firewall programs on the network. Improperly configured firewalls are the most common cause of TCP/IP problems.
Open a Command Prompt Window
For many of these steps, you’ll be typing at the command prompt. To open a command prompt window in Windows 2000 or XP, click Start | Run, type cmd in the box, and click OK. To open a command prompt window in Windows 95, 98, or Me, click Start | Run, type command in the box, and click OK. Type one command per line, and press Enter after each one to execute it. To close the command prompt window, use the exit command.
Determine the TCP/IP Settings
http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/troubleshoot/tcp-ip-details02a.gifhttp://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/troubleshoot/tcp-ip-details01a.gifDetermine the TCP/IP settings of each computer on the local area network. In XP, open the Network Connections folder, right click the LAN connection, and click Status | Support | Details. For example, here are the Status and Details views for the LAN connection on an Internet Connection Sharing host.
http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/troubleshoot/tcp-ip-details03a.gifIn Windows 95/98/Me, click Start | Run, type winipcfg in the box, and click OK. Select the LAN adapter from the menu, and click More Info. Here’s the winipcfg view for an ICS client running Windows Me.
You can also see the TCP/IP settings from the command prompt. This is especially convenient if a computer has more than one network adapter. Use the ipconfig /all command, which is available in all versions ept Windows 95. The output from this command can be long, so it’s best to write it to a file. Specify the file name in the command this way:
ipconfig /all >ipconfig.txt
Here’s the output for a Windows XP ICS host that’s sharing its cable modem connection:
Description of TCP/IP Settings
Here are the TCP/IP settings that are used in network troubleshooting:
IP Address – Unique address assigned to a network adapter. A computer with multiple network adapters has an IP address for each one, and each one must be in a different subnet.
Subnet Mask – Used in conjunction with the IP address to determine which subnet an adapter belongs to. At the simplest level, communication is only possible between two network adapters when they’re in the same subnet.
Default Gateway - IP address of a computer or router, on one of this computer’s local area networks, that knows how to communicate with subnets not present on this computer. For an Internet connection, the default gateway is a router belonging to your Internet service provider, and all access to sites on the Internet goes through it. For an ICS client, the default gateway is the ICS host. If you use a hardware router, it serves as the default gateway.
DHCP Server – If an adapter is configured to obtain an IP address automatically, this is the address of the server that provides it. It could be your ISP, an ICS host, or a hardware router.
DNS Servers – IP address of one or more Domain Name Server computers. DNS servers translate Internet names (like www.practicallynetworked.com) to their IP addresses (like
See our article on subnets for a brief description of how they work. For more details, see this Microsoft Knowledge Base article.
If two computers are supposed to be on the same subnet, but aren’t, something is wrong with the network hardware or software configuration. This is most likely to happen when one of them receives an IP address of 169.254.x.x, which indicates that:
It’s configured to obtain an IP address automatically.
It couldn’t find a DHPC server on the network to make the assignment.
Windows assigned it an Automatic Private IP Address.
See our article on Specific Networking Problems and Their Solutions for more information.
http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/troubleshoot/tcp-ip-details06a.gifhttp://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/troubleshoot/tcp-ip-details05a.gifThe ping command is the basic tool for testing TCP/IP connectivity. It sends a special packet (called ICMP Echo) to a particular IP address and looks for a reply. If everything is working right, the reply comes back. If not, the ping times out in a few seconds. By default, the ping command repeats the process four times. Here’s an example of an ICS client computer pinging a Windows XP Home Edition ICS host, using the host’s IP address and its computer name.

У меня что-то похожее было. Панель управленя->Центр обеспечения безопасности-> Брэндмауэр
Во вкладке "Исключения" возможно не стоит галка напротив "Общий доступ к файлам и принтерам". Когда я ее убирал при подключении инета мне писали, что доступ закрыт удаленным компьютером. При этом в вкладке "Общие" лучьше поставить галку напротив "Не разрешать исключения" Без этой галочки у меня какая то дрянь усиленно что-то закачивала из инета, то ли это было старое автоматическое обновление (которое продолжило безобразничать и после установки SP2 то ли вирус (хотя на вирусы я проверил комп по полной - ничего нет).
Вот такая вот фигня

выключи встроенный firewall для начала.

я его уже давно отключил!
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В офисе поставили сервис пак два и сетка работать отказываетсь...похоже какиета парты заблокировало.... или фик ё знает чо.....
подскажите, где хоть смотреть и чо....... чо делать!? А!