Принцип работы тачпада
википедию отменили?Touchpads operate by sensing the capacitance of a finger, or the capacitance between sensors. Capacitive sensors are laid out along the horizontal and vertical axes of the touchpad. The location of the finger is determined from the pattern of capacitance from these sensors. This is why they will not sense the tip of a pencil or other similar implement. Gloved fingers may be problematic (such as in a cleanroom environment) but can sometimes work. Moist, sweaty, or calloused fingers can be problematic for those touchpads that rely on measuring the capacitance between the sensors.
[edit] Theory of operation
There are two principal means by which touchpads work. In the ‘matrix approach’, a series of conductors are arranged in an array of parallel lines in two layers, separated by an insulator. The conductors in these layers are oriented orthogonally to one another. A high frequency signal is applied sequentially between pairs in the two-dimensional matrix created by the conductor array. The current that passes between the nodes is proportional to the capacitance. When a virtual ground, such as the finger, is placed over one of the intersections between the conductive layer some of the electrical field lines are shunted to this ground point, resulting in a change in the apparent capacitance at that location. This method received U.S. Patent 5,305,017 awarded to George Gerpheide in April 1994.
The ‘capacitive shunt method’, described well in an application note by Analog Devices[4], senses the change in capacitance between a transmitter and receiver that are on opposite sides of the sensor. The transmitter creates an electric field which oscillates at 200-300 kHz. If a ground point, such as the finger, is placed between the transmitter and receiver, some of the field lines are shunted away, decreasing the apparent capacitance
емкость пальцев меряет обычно, можно управлять чем-то с такой же емкостью, как и у пальцев
сосиска вместо стилуса =)
Термин емкость пальца меня просто убиваед.
в профессорскую столовку ходил? как там лампы на столах включаются, знаешь? вот тут то же самое
Чем можно им управлять, кроме пальцев?железкой

ты пробовал?
я пробовал
я только что попробовал, получилось

я пробовал столовой ложкой (то ли мельхиор, то ли нейзильбер). Кончиком ложки не удалось, а черпалом - без проблем. Мои пальцы находились на самом конце ручки.

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