Что за формат gdt?
Graph drawing is receiving increasing attention both in the applications and in the theoretical community. Its target is to construct visual representations of graphs and networks, which play an important role in software engineering, informations systems, and computer-aided-design. From the theoretical point of view, graph drawing combines flavours of graph theory, graph algorithms, combinatorial optimisation, and computational geometry. The new system will embody the solutions to several classical graph-drawing problems that have been obtained in the last three years and that still have not found practical implementations. Also we aim at solving strategic open problems, whose solution is critical to improve the effectiveness of the systems, such as planarisation (most of the algorithms use a planarisation step resolution-rules problems (to better take into account the finite resolution and area of visualisation devices and dynamic maintenance of drawings (project drawings grow in a long process of expansions). We also plan to investigate basic methodologies for embedding and visualising graphs in 3-space.
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